Effective 7/1/2021 54-8-10. Public hearing — Notice — Publication. (1) Such notice shall be: (a) published on the Utah Public Notice Website created in Section 63A-16-601; and (b) posted in not less than three public places in the district. (2) A copy of the notice shall be mailed by certified mail to the last known […]
54-8-11. Protests — Hearings — Representatives of utilities to be present — Changes in proposal — Adoption or abandonment of project. (1) (a) On the date and at the time and place specified in the notice under Section 54-8-9, the governing body shall in open and public session hear all objections to the creation of […]
54-8-12. Property owners failing to appear at hearings — Waiver of rights. Every person who has real property within the boundaries of the district and who fails to appear before the governing body at the hearing and make any objection he may have to the creation of the district, the making of the improvements and […]
54-8-13. Assessment list to be prepared. After a decision is taken by a governing body to proceed with the district and project, it shall cause to be prepared an assessment list detailing the total amount to be assessed, the specific properties assessed, and the amount of assessment on each piece of property. Enacted by Chapter […]
54-8-14. Declaration of costs — Contents of resolution. After the preparation of the proposed assessment list, the governing body shall cause to be prepared for adoption at the hearing hereinafter provided for, a resolution declaring the entire cost of the improvement including the cost of construction as determined from the costs and feasibility report and […]
54-8-15. Board of equalization and review — Appointment — Functions and authority. Whenever the governing body of any municipality shall propose to levy any tax under any provision of this chapter, it shall before doing so, appoint a board of equalization and review which shall consist of three or more of its members. This board […]
Effective 7/1/2021 54-8-16. Notice of assessment — Publication. (1) After the preparation of a resolution under Section 54-8-14, notice of a public hearing on the proposed assessments shall be given. (2) The notice described in Subsection (1) shall be: (a) published on the Utah Public Notice Website created in Section 63A-16-601, for at least 20 […]
54-8-17. Assessments — Hearings on — Corrections of — Assessment not to exceed benefit. On the date and at the time and place specified in the aforesaid notice, the governing body shall, in open and public session, hear all arguments relating to the benefits accruing to any tract, block, lot or parcel of land therein […]
54-8-18. Assessments — Resolution to adopt. After the public hearing has been concluded and all corrections made to the assessment list, and in the case of a municipality, after receiving the report from the board of equalization and review, the governing body shall proceed to adopt the assessment resolution. Enacted by Chapter 157, 1969 General […]
54-8-19. Assessments — Right to levy against property — Due date — Notice — Payment in annual installments. (1) The governing body may levy the assessments under the assessment list in whole or in part at any time after the adoption of the assessment resolution, but if not levied as a whole, any partial levies […]
54-8-2. Legislative purpose. The Legislature finds that in many areas of the state, it is in the public interest to convert existing overhead electric and communication facilities to underground locations through the creation of an improvement district. The Legislature hereby declares that a public purpose will be served by providing a procedure to accomplish such […]
54-8-20. Assessments — Failure to pay installment — Interest and penalties — Lien on property — Sale of property — Disposition of proceeds. The failure to pay any installment and any interest thereon when due shall ipso facto cause all other installments and the interest thereon to become due and payable and the governing body […]
54-8-21. Assessments — Prepayment of unpaid installments. The governing body may in the resolution levying the assessments provide that all unpaid installments of assessments levied against any piece of property may (but only in their entirety) be paid prior to the dates on which they become due if the property owner paying such installments pays […]
54-8-22. Bonds — Issuance authorized — Amount — Interest — Additional requirements. After the expiration of 30 days from the date of the adoption of the resolution levying the assessments, the county legislative body may issue negotiable interest-bearing bonds in a principal amount not exceeding the unpaid balance of the assessments levied. The bonds shall […]
Effective 5/5/2021 54-8-23. Objection to amount of assessment — Civil action — Litigation to question or attack proceedings or legality of bonds. (1) No special assessment levied under this chapter shall be declared void, nor shall any such assessment or part thereof be set aside in consequence of any error or irregularity permitted or appearing […]
54-8-24. Payment to utilities — Allowable costs. (1) In determining the conversion costs included in the costs and feasibility report required by Section 54-8-7, the public utility corporations shall be entitled to amounts sufficient to repay them for the following, as computed and reflected by the uniform system of accounts approved by the Public Service […]
54-8-25. Utilities responsible for work — May subcontract — Title to converted facilities retained. (1) The utility concerned: (a) shall be responsible for the accomplishment of all construction work to the point of delivery; and (b) may contract out any part of the construction work as it considers desirable. (2) Title to the converted facilities […]
54-8-26. Notice that service from underground facilities is available — Consequences of failure to convert overhead facilities. (1) (a) If service from the underground public utility is to be made available to all or part of an improvement district area, the governing body of the county or municipality that created the district shall mail a […]
54-8-27. Bill for conversion costs — Not to exceed estimate — Payment within 30 days — Accounting procedures. Upon completion of the conversion contemplated by this chapter, the public utility corporation shall present the governing body with its verified bill for conversion costs as computed pursuant to Section 54-8-24 but based upon the actual cost […]
54-8-28. Additional overhead facilities prohibited — Exception. Once removed, no overhead electric or communication facilities shall be installed within the boundary of a local improvement district for conversion of overhead electric and communication facilities in nominal voltages of less than 35,000 volts. Enacted by Chapter 157, 1969 General Session