57-12-10. Displacing agency may contract for services or function through another agency. To prevent unnecessary expense and duplication of functions and to promote uniform and effective administration of relocation assistance programs for displaced persons, the displacing agency may enter into contracts with any person for services in connection with these programs, or may carry out […]
57-12-11. Payments not income or resources for welfare or tax purposes. No payment received by a displaced person under this act shall be considered as income or resources for the purpose of determining the eligibility or extent of eligibility of any person for assistance under any state law or for the purposes of the state’s […]
57-12-12. Judicial review. (1) Any person aggrieved by an order concerning relocation assistance may obtain judicial review. (2) Venue for judicial review of informal adjudicative proceedings is in the district court of the county in which the real property taken for public use is located. Amended by Chapter 161, 1987 General Session
Effective 5/4/2022 57-12-13. Procedure for acquisition of property. (1) (a) As used in this section, “fee simple owner” means the owner of a fee simple interest in real property. (b) “Fee simple owner” does not include a tenant, lienholder, or other claimant of an interest in real property. (2) Any agency acquiring real property as […]
57-12-14. Dispute resolution — Additional appraisal. (1) If the agency and the private property owner or displaced person disagree on any issue arising out of this chapter, the private property owner may submit the dispute for mediation or arbitration according to the procedures and requirements of Section 13-43-204. (2) (a) The private property owner or […]
57-12-2. Declaration of policy. (1) It is hereby declared to be the policy of this chapter and of the state, and the Legislature recognizes: (a) that it is often necessary for the various agencies of state and local government to acquire land by condemnation; (b) that persons, businesses, and farms are often uprooted and displaced […]
57-12-4. Federal funds — Direct assistance. (1) When federal funds are available for payment of direct financial assistance to a person displaced by acquisition of real property by any agency, the displacing agency may use those federal funds with state or local funds to the extent provided by federal law and may provide direct financial […]
57-12-5. Reimbursement of owner for expenses. Any agency acquiring real property for its use shall as soon as practicable after the date of payment of the purchase price or the date of deposit into court of funds to satisfy the award of compensation in a condemnation proceeding to acquire real property, whichever is the earlier, […]
57-12-6. Buildings, structures or other improvements. (1) Where any interest in real property is acquired, an equal interest in all buildings, structures, or other improvements located upon the real property so acquired and which is required to be removed from the real property or which is determined to be adversely affected by the use to […]
57-12-7. Replacement property. (1) No person shall be required to move or be relocated from land used for his residence and acquired under any of the condemnation or eminent domain laws of this state until he has been offered a comparable replacement dwelling, including the curtilage, which is a decent, safe, clean, and sanitary dwelling, […]
57-12-8. Advisory program. (1) Whenever the acquisition of real property for a program or project undertaken by an agency will result in the displacement of any person after the effective date of this act, the agency shall provide a relocation assistance advisory program for displaced persons which shall offer the services prescribed in this act. […]
Effective 5/4/2022 57-12-9. Rules of displacing agency. (1) (a) A displacing agency may enact rules to assure that: (i) the payments and assistance authorized by this chapter are administered in a manner that is fair, reasonable, and as uniform as practicable; (ii) a displaced person who makes proper application for a payment authorized by this […]