Effective 7/1/2021 61-2-201. Division of Real Estate created — Director appointed — Personnel. (1) There is created within the department a Division of Real Estate. The division is responsible for the administration and enforcement of: (a) this chapter; (b)Title 57, Chapter 11, Utah Uniform Land Sales Practices Act; (c)Title 57, Chapter 19, Timeshare and Camp […]
61-2-202. Powers and duties of the director or division. (1) On or before October 1 of each year, in conjunction with the department, the director shall report to the governor and the Legislature concerning the division’s work for the fiscal year immediately preceding the report. (2) In conjunction with the executive director, the director shall […]
Effective 5/5/2021 61-2-203. Adjudicative proceedings — Citation authority. (1) The division shall comply with Title 63G, Chapter 4, Administrative Procedures Act, in an adjudicative proceeding under a chapter the division administers. (2) The division may initiate an adjudicative proceeding through: (a) a notice of agency action; or (b) a notice of formal or informal proceeding. […]
61-2-204. Utah Housing Opportunity Restricted Account. (1) For purposes of this section, “account” means the Utah Housing Opportunity Restricted Account created by this section. (2) There is created in the General Fund a restricted account known as the “Utah Housing Opportunity Restricted Account.” (3) The account shall be funded by: (a) contributions deposited into the […]
Effective 5/10/2016 61-2-205. Concurrence. (1) If a provision under this title requires concurrence between the director or division and a commission or board created under this title and no concurrence can be reached, the director or division has final authority. (2) When this title requires concurrence between the director or division and a commission or […]