62A-3-102. Division created. There is created a Division of Aging and Adult Services within the department, under the administration and general supervision of the executive director. Amended by Chapter 181, 1990 General Session
62A-3-103. Director of division — Appointment — Qualifications. (1) The director of the division shall be appointed by the executive director with the concurrence of the board. (2) The director shall have a bachelor’s degree from an accredited university or college, be experienced in administration, and be knowledgeable in matters concerning the aging and adult […]
62A-3-104. Authority of division. (1) The division is the sole state agency, as defined by the Older Americans Act of 1965, 42 U.S.C. 3001 et seq., to: (a) serve as an effective and visible advocate for the aging and adult population of this state; (b) develop and administer a state plan under the policy direction […]
Effective 5/8/2018 62A-3-104.1. Powers and duties of area agencies — Registration as a limited purpose entity. (1) An area agency that provides services to an aged person, or a high risk adult shall within the area agency’s respective jurisdiction: (a) advocate by monitoring, evaluating, and providing input on all policies, programs, hearings, and levies that […]
62A-3-104.2. Contracts for services. When an area agency has established a plan to provide services authorized by this chapter, and those services meet standards fixed by rules of the board, the area agency may enter into a contract with the division for services to be furnished by that area agency for an agreed compensation to […]
Effective 5/12/2015 62A-3-104.3. Disbursal of public funds — Background check of a personal care attendant. (1) For purposes of this section, “office” means the same as that term is defined in Section 62A-2-101. (2) Public funds may not be disbursed to a personal care attendant as payment for personal services rendered to an aged person […]
62A-3-105. Matching requirements for state and federal Older American funds. (1) Except as provided in Subsection (2), a local area agency on aging that receives state or federal Older Americans Act Supportive Services, Older Americans Act Congregate Meals, or Older Americans Act Home Delivered Meals related funds from the division to provide programs and services […]
62A-3-106. Eligibility criteria. Eligibility for services provided by the division directly or through contractual arrangements shall be determined by criteria established by the division and approved by the board. Enacted by Chapter 1, 1988 General Session
62A-3-106.5. Agency responsible to investigate and provide services. (1) For purposes of this section, “responsible agency” means the agency responsible to investigate or provide services in a particular case under the rules established under Subsection (2)(a). (2) In order to avoid duplication in responding to a report of alleged abuse, neglect, or exploitation of a […]
62A-3-107. Requirements for establishing division policy. (1) The board is the program policymaking body for the division and for programs funded with state and federal money under Sections 62A-3-104.1 and 62A-3-104.2. In establishing policy and reviewing existing policy, the board shall seek input from local area agencies, consumers, providers, advocates, division staff, and other interested […]
62A-3-107.5. Allocation of funds to acquire facilities. (1) (a) The board may make grants to local area agencies on aging to acquire facilities to provide community-based services for aged persons. Grants under this section shall be made solely from appropriations made to the division for implementation of this section. (b) Acquisition of a facility may […]
62A-3-108. Allocation of funds to local area agencies — Formulas. (1) The board shall establish by rule formulas for allocating funds to local area agencies through contracts to provide programs and services in accordance with this part based on need. Determination of need shall be based on the number of eligible persons located in the […]
62A-3-109. Adjudicative proceedings. Adjudicative proceedings held by, or relating to, the division or the board shall comply with the procedures and requirements of Title 63G, Chapter 4, Administrative Procedures Act. Amended by Chapter 91, 2008 General SessionAmended by Chapter 382, 2008 General Session
62A-3-110. “Out and About” Homebound Transportation Assistance Fund. (1) (a) There is created an expendable special revenue fund known as the “Out and About” Homebound Transportation Assistance Fund. (b) The “Out and About” Homebound Transportation Assistance Fund shall consist of: (i) private contributions; (ii) donations or grants from public or private entities; (iii) voluntary donations […]