Effective 7/1/2021 63N-4-101. Title — Definitions. (1) This chapter is known as the “Rural Development Act.” (2) As used in this part, “program” means the Rural Development Program created in Section 63N-4-102. Amended by Chapter 282, 2021 General Session
Effective 7/1/2021 63N-4-102. Rural Development Program — Supervision by office. (1) There is created within the office the Center for Rural Development. (2) The Center for Rural Development is under the administration and general supervision of the office. Amended by Chapter 282, 2021 General Session
Effective 5/4/2022 63N-4-103. Purpose of the Center for Rural Development. The Center for Rural Development is established to: (1) foster and support economic development programs and activities for the benefit of rural counties and communities; (2) foster and support community, county, and resource management planning programs and activities for the benefit of rural counties and […]
Effective 7/1/2022 63N-4-104. Duties. (1) The Center for Rural Development shall: (a) work to enhance the capacity of the office to address rural economic development, planning, and leadership training challenges and opportunities by establishing partnerships and positive working relationships with appropriate public and private sector entities, individuals, and institutions; (b) work with the GO Utah […]
Effective 7/1/2021 63N-4-105. Program manager. (1) The executive director shall appoint a director for the Center for Rural Development with the approval of the governor. (2) The director of the Center for Rural Development shall be a person knowledgeable in the field of rural economic development and planning and experienced in administration. (3) Upon change […]
Effective 7/1/2021 63N-4-106. Annual report. The office shall include in the annual written report described in Section 63N-1a-306, a report of the program’s operations and recommendations. Amended by Chapter 282, 2021 General Session