70D-2-301. Record retention. A lender, broker, or servicer shall keep and maintain at all times in its principal place of business the records of a mortgage loan transaction of the lender, broker, or servicer as required by the rules of the commissioner. Renumbered and Amended by Chapter 72, 2009 General Session
70D-2-302. Notice required with loan application. (1) If the following is the case, a lender and broker shall notify in writing a person from whom the lender or broker receives or for whom the lender or broker prepares a written application for a mortgage loan that: (a) the mortgage loan applied for may be sold […]
70D-2-303. Notice upon closing — Ongoing duty to notify — Statements required. (1) At the time of closing of a mortgage loan, a lender shall notify the mortgagor in writing of: (a) the name of the initial servicer that will service the loan; and (b) the address at which a loan payment should be made. […]
70D-2-304. Statement to be provided. (1) Unless a servicer regularly provides the information described in this Subsection (1) in a monthly statement to a mortgagor, the servicer shall deliver to a mortgagor, within 15 days after receipt of a written request, a statement of the mortgagor’s account including the following information: (a) the date and […]
Effective 5/13/2014 70D-2-305. Fee restrictions. (1) A lender or broker may not accept a fee or deposit from an applicant for a mortgage loan unless at the time the lender or broker accepts the fee or deposit there is a written statement: (a) signed by the applicant; (b) stating whether or not the fee or […]