Effective 5/5/2021 78B-22-451. Office of Indigent Defense Services — Creation. There is created under the commission the Office of Indigent Defense Services. Amended by Chapter 235, 2021 General Session
Effective 5/5/2021 78B-22-452. Duties of the office. (1) The office shall: (a) establish an annual budget for the office for the Indigent Defense Resources Restricted Account created in Section 78B-22-405; (b) assist the commission in performing the commission’s statutory duties described in this chapter; (c) identify and collect data that is necessary for the commission […]
Effective 5/5/2021 78B-22-453. Executive director — Qualifications — Staff. (1) The commission: (a) shall appoint the executive director, by a majority vote of the commission, to carry out the duties of the office described in Section 78B-22-452; and (b) may remove the executive director by majority vote of the commission. (2) The executive director shall […]
Effective 5/4/2022 78B-22-454. Defense of indigent inmates. (1) The office shall pay for indigent defense services for indigent inmates from the Indigent Inmate Fund created in Section 78B-22-455. (2) A contract under this part shall ensure that indigent defense services are provided in a manner consistent with the core principles described in Section 78B-22-404. (3) […]
Effective 5/4/2022 78B-22-455. Indigent Inmate Fund. (1) There is created a custodial fund known as the “Indigent Inmate Fund” to be disbursed by the office in accordance with contracts entered into under Subsection 78B-22-452(1)(g). (2) Money deposited into this fund shall only be used: (a) to pay indigent defense services for an indigent inmate who: […]