Effective 5/5/2021 78B-22-802. Child Welfare Parental Representation Program — Creation — Duties — Annual report — Budget. (1) There is created within the office the Child Welfare Parental Representation Program. (2) (a) The office shall: (i) administer and enforce the program in accordance with this part; (ii) manage the operation and budget of the program; […]
Effective 9/1/2021 78B-22-803. Child welfare parental defense contracts. (1) (a) The office may enter into a contract with an attorney to provide indigent defense services for a parent who is the subject of a petition alleging abuse, neglect, or dependency, and requires indigent defense services under Section 80-3-104. (b) The office shall make payment for […]
Effective 5/5/2021 78B-22-804. Child Welfare Parental Representation Fund — Contracts for coverage by the fund. (1) There is created an expendable special revenue fund known as the “Child Welfare Parental Representation Fund.” (2) Subject to availability, the office may make distributions from the fund for the following purposes: (a) to pay for indigent defense resources […]
Affected by 63I-1-278 on 12/31/2024 Effective 5/4/2022 78B-22-805. Interdisciplinary Parental Representation Pilot Program. (1) As used in this section: (a) “Program” means the Interdisciplinary Parental Representation Pilot Program created in this section. (b) “Social worker” means an individual who is licensed as: (i) a clinical social worker; (ii) a certified social worker; (iii) a marriage […]