Effective 9/1/2021 78B-7-202. Abuse or danger of abuse — Child protective orders — Ex parte child protective orders — Guardian ad litem — Referral to division. (1) (a) Any interested person may file a petition for a protective order: (i) on behalf of a child who is being abused or is in imminent danger of […]
Effective 9/1/2021 78B-7-203. Hearings. (1) (a) If an ex parte child protective order is granted, the court shall schedule a hearing to be held within 21 days after the day on which the court makes the ex parte determination. (b) If an ex parte child protective order is denied, the court, upon the request of […]
Effective 9/1/2021 78B-7-204. Content of orders — Modification of orders — Penalties. (1) A child protective order or an ex parte child protective order may contain the following provisions the violation of which is a class A misdemeanor under Section 76-5-108: (a) enjoin the respondent from threatening to commit or committing abuse of the child; […]
Effective 7/1/2020 78B-7-205. Service — Income withholding — Expiration. (1) If the court enters an ex parte child protective order or a child protective order, the court shall: (a) make reasonable efforts to ensure that the order is understood by the petitioner and the respondent, if present; (b) as soon as possible transmit the order […]
78B-7-206. Statewide domestic violence network. The Administrative Office of the Courts, in cooperation with the Department of Public Safety and the Criminal Investigations and Technical Services Division, shall post ex parte child protective orders, child protective orders, and any modifications to them on the statewide network established in Section 78B-7-113. Renumbered and Amended by Chapter […]
78B-7-207. Forms and assistance — No fees. (1) The Administrative Office of the Courts shall adopt and make available uniform forms for petitions and orders conforming to this part. The forms shall notify the petitioner that: (a) a knowing falsehood in any statement under oath may subject the petitioner to felony prosecution; (b) the petitioner […]