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Home » US Law » 2022 Vermont Statutes » Title 10 - Conservation and Development » Chapter 47 - Water Pollution Control » Subchapter 3: NEW ENGLAND INTERSTATE WATER POLLUTION CONTROL COMPACT

§ 1331. Preamble

§ 1331. Preamble Whereas, the growth of population and the development of the territory of the New England states has resulted in serious pollution of certain interstate streams, ponds and lakes, and of tidal waters ebbing and flowing past the boundaries of two or more states; and Whereas, such pollution constitutes a menace to the […]

§ 1332. Waters subject to compact—Article I

§ 1332. Waters subject to compact—Article I It is agreed between the signatory states that the provisions of this compact shall apply to streams, ponds and lakes which are contiguous to two or more signatory states or which flow through two or more signatory states or which have a tributary contiguous to two or more […]

§ 1333. Creation of Commission—Article II

§ 1333. Creation of Commission—Article II There is hereby created the New England Interstate Water Pollution Control Commission (hereinafter referred to as the Commission) which shall be a body corporate and politic, having the powers, duties and jurisdiction herein enumerated and such other and additional powers as shall be conferred upon it by the act […]

§ 1334. Composition of Commission—Article III

§ 1334. Composition of Commission—Article III The Commission shall consist of five commissioners from each signatory state, each of whom shall be a resident voter of the state from which he or she is appointed. The commissioners shall be chosen in the manner and for the terms provided by law of the state from which […]

§ 1335. General powers of Commission—Article IV

§ 1335. General powers of Commission—Article IV The Commission shall annually elect from its members a chair and vice chair and shall appoint and at its pleasure remove or discharge such officers. It may appoint and employ a secretary who shall be a professional engineer versed in water pollution and may employ such stenographic or […]

§ 1336. Water standards; classification—Article V

§ 1336. Water standards; classification—Article V It is recognized, owing to such variable factors as location, size, character and flow and the many varied uses of the waters subject to the terms of this compact, that no single standard of sewage and waste treatment and no single standard of quality of receiving waters is practical […]

§ 1337. Interstate inland and tidal waters—Article VI

§ 1337. Interstate inland and tidal waters—Article VI Each of the signatory states pledges to provide for the abatement of existing pollution and for the control of future pollution of interstate inland and tidal waters as described in Article I, and to put and maintain the waters thereof in a satisfactory condition consistent with the […]

§ 1338. Effect on local legislation; pending causes—Article VII

§ 1338. Effect on local legislation; pending causes—Article VII Nothing in this compact shall be construed to repeal or prevent the enactment of any legislation or prevent the enforcement of any requirement by any signatory state imposing any additional condition or restriction to further lessen the pollution of waters within its jurisdiction. Nothing herein contained […]

§ 1339. Expenses; obligation of signatories—Article VIII

§ 1339. Expenses; obligation of signatories—Article VIII The signatory states agree to appropriate for the salaries, office, administrative, travel and other expenses such sum or sums as shall be recommended by the Commission. The commonwealth of Massachusetts obligates itself only to the extent of $6,500.00 in any one year, the state of Connecticut only to […]

§ 1340. Separability of provisions—Article IX

§ 1340. Separability of provisions—Article IX Should any part of this compact be held to be contrary to the constitution of any signatory state or of the United States, all other parts thereof shall continue to be in full force and effect.

§ 1341. New York State; cooperation—Article X

§ 1341. New York State; cooperation—Article X The Commission is authorized to discuss with appropriate state agencies in New York State questions of pollution of waters which flow into the New England area from New York State or vice versa and to further the establishment of agreements on pollution abatement to promote the interests of […]

§ 1342. Effective, when—Article XI

§ 1342. Effective, when—Article XI This compact shall become effective immediately upon the adoption of the compact by any two contiguous states of New England but only insofar as applies to those states and upon approval by federal law. Thereafter upon ratification by other contiguous states, it shall also become effective as to those states.

§ 1343. Commission membership

§ 1343. Commission membership The State shall be represented on the Commission by five commissioners, one of whom shall be the Commissioner of Environmental Conservation, and four of whom shall be appointed by the Governor. Of those appointed by the Governor, one shall be an officer of municipal government, and the remaining members may be […]