§ 3-701. Time for hearing on petition The hearing on the petition shall take place no sooner than 180 days after the minor has been placed in the home of the adopting parent. For good cause, the court may shorten the time for the hearing. (Added 1995, No. 161 (Adj. Sess.), § 1.)
§ 3-702. Disclosure of fees and charges At least ten days before the hearing: (1) the petitioner shall file with the court a signed and verified accounting of any payment or disbursement of money or anything of value made or agreed to be made by or on behalf of the petitioner in connection with the […]
§ 3-703. Granting petition for adoption (a) The court shall grant a petition for adoption if it determines by a preponderance of the evidence that the adoption will be in the best interests of the minor, and that: (1) the adoptee has been in the physical custody of the petitioner for at least 180 days […]
§ 3-704. Denial of petition for adoption If a court denies a petition for adoption, it shall dismiss the proceeding and issue an appropriate order for the legal and physical custody of the minor. If the reason for the denial is that a consent or relinquishment is revoked or set aside pursuant to section 2-408 […]
§ 3-705. Decree of adoption (a) A decree of adoption shall state or contain: (1) the original name of the minor adoptee, if the adoption is by a stepparent or relative and, in all other adoptions, the original name or initials; (2) the name of the petitioner for adoption; (3) whether the petitioner is married […]
§ 3-706. Applicability of rules of probate procedure; expeditious hearing of appeals; motion for relief from decree or order; no stay on appeal (a) The Vermont Rules of Probate Procedure shall apply to all proceedings under this title, unless a different procedure is specifically prescribed in this title. (b) An appeal from a decree of […]
§ 3-707. Finality of decree Consistent with the best interests of an adoptee, a decree of adoption is a final order for purposes of appeal when it is entered. (Added 1995, No. 161 (Adj. Sess.), § 1.)