§ 5531. Disposal of lot by will; descent; burial rights of husband and wife (a) The owner of a cemetery lot may dispose of same by will to any one of his or her relatives who may survive him or her, or to any agency owning and conducting the cemetery in which the lot is […]
§ 5532. Escheat of cemetery lots—Definition For the purposes of sections 5532-5537 of this title, the term “agency” shall mean town cemeteries, religious or ecclesiastical society cemeteries, and any person, firm, corporation, or unincorporated association engaged in the business of a cemetery.
§ 5533. Escheat when owner’s whereabouts unknown When the whereabouts of a person or his or her heirs, having legal title or color of title to a wholly unoccupied burial lot in any cemetery has been unknown for 20 years, such lot shall escheat to the agency upon petition brought by the agency and hearing […]
§ 5534. Petition; hearing The cemetery commissioners or other proper officers may file a petition in behalf of the agency with the Probate Division of the Superior Court of the district where said agency is located for an inquisition in the premises. The Probate Division of the Superior Court shall thereupon appoint a time and […]
§ 5535. Notice; publication Such notice shall recite the substance of the facts set forth in the petition, and the time and place at which persons claiming the burial lot may appear and be heard before the court, and shall be published at least three weeks successively, the last of which publications shall be not […]
§ 5536. Order If sufficient cause is not shown to the contrary, at the time appointed for that purpose, the court shall order and decree that such lot shall escheat to the agency.
§ 5537. Heirs If an heir or other person entitled to such lot appears within 17 years from the date of such decree and files a claim with the Probate Division of the Superior Court which made such decree, and establishes his or her claim to such lot, he or she shall have possession of […]