§ 702. Width of highways and trails The right-of-way for each highway and trail shall be three rods wide unless otherwise properly recorded. Any highway that had been designated as a trail prior to July 1, 1967 and later becomes a trail shall retain the same width of right-of-way as a trail as it had […]
§ 703. Widening of highways If the width of a highway as laid out is less than the law or the public convenience requires, the selectboard may widen the highway accordingly. Persons whose lands are taken or are damaged shall be entitled to compensation. (Added 1985, No. 269 (Adj. Sess.), § 1.)
§ 704. Survey and boundaries When the selectboard accepts, lays out, or alters a highway, as provided in this chapter, it shall cause a survey to be made in accordance with the provisions of section 33 of this title and shall mark each termination of the survey by a permanent monument or boundary or refer […]
§ 705. Papers to be recorded A copy of any order of a court establishing, altering, or discontinuing a highway, together with a survey of so much of the road as is in any one town, certified by the clerk of the court, shall be recorded in the office of the town clerk. (Added 1985, […]
§ 706. Duties of commissioners appointed by the Supreme or Superior Court Any commissioners appointed by the Supreme or Superior Court to build or repair a bridge or lay out, alter, or discontinue a highway may order the town or towns, in or through which they lay out or alter a highway, to grade the […]
§ 707. Powers of Supreme and Superior Courts Upon petition for that purpose as in case of laying out, altering, or discontinuing a highway, and by similar proceedings, the Supreme or Superior Court may order hills to be graded and surfaces to be graveled on existing highways under the provisions of section 706 of this […]