§ 740. Petition (a) When a person owning or interested in lands through which a highway is laid out, altered, or resurveyed by selectboard members objects to the necessity of taking the land, or is dissatisfied with the laying out, altering, or resurveying of the highway, or with the compensation for damages, he or she […]
§ 741. Appointment of commissioners The court shall appoint three disinterested landowners as commissioners to inquire into the convenience and necessity of the proposed highway and the manner in which it has been laid out, altered, or resurveyed and, except where a trial by jury is requested, as to the amount of damages sustained by […]
§ 742. Commissioners’ report; judgment on report The commissioners shall give notice to one or more of the selectboard members and to the appellants of the time and place where they will examine the area and hear testimony. After completing their inquiries, they shall make a report to the court. The court may accept or […]
§ 743. Opening of highway stayed; damages When the appeal to the Superior Court is based on objections to the necessity of taking the land, or on dissatisfaction with the laying out, alteration, or resurvey by the selectboard members, the opening of the highway shall be stayed until the court renders its decision. The court […]