§ 17. Town manager; appointment; term A Town Manager shall be the Chief Administrative Officer of the Town. He or she shall be appointed by a majority of the full Selectboard. He or she shall be selected with special reference to his or her training, experience, education, and ability to perform the duties of his […]
§ 18. Removal of the Town Manager The Manager may be removed by a majority vote of the full Selectboard. At least 30 days before the proposed removal of the Manager, the Board shall adopt a resolution in executive session, stating its intention to remove him or her and the reasons for removal, a copy […]
§ 19. Oath and bond Before entering into the duties of his or her office, the Town Manager shall be sworn to the faithful and impartial performance of his or her duties, and a certificate to that effect shall be filed with the Town Clerk. He or she shall execute a bond in favor of […]
§ 20. Responsibilities of the Town Manager in general The Town Manager shall be accountable to the Selectboard. He or she shall have general supervision of the property and business affairs of the Town and expenditure of all monies appropriated for Town purposes subject to prior approval of the Selectboard. He or she shall not […]
§ 21. Powers and duties in particular The Town Manager shall have power, and it shall be his or her duty: (1) To organize, operate, continue, or discontinue any departments as the Selectboard may determine. (2) To carry out the policies laid down by the Board, to keep the Board informed of the financial condition […]
§ 22. Noninterference with administration (a) Except for emergencies and for the purpose of inquiries or investigations authorized under this charter, the Board, its members, and committees shall deal with Town officers and employees who are subject to the direction and supervision of the Manager, solely through the Town Manager, and shall not give orders […]
§ 23. Filling of a vacancy Any vacancy in the Office of Town Manager shall be filled as soon as practicable by the Selectboard and, pending the appointment, or in case of the Manager’s absence or disability, the Board shall designate some person to perform the duties of the office. In no case shall a […]
§ 24. Compensation of the Town Manager The compensation of the Town Manager shall be set by resolution of the Selectboard, within any budgetary limitations set by the voters at Town meeting. As used in this section, the term “compensation” includes salary, additional benefits, time for sick leave and vacation, and expense allowance. (Amended 2019, […]
§ 25. Administrative Code (a) Within two years following the effective date of this charter, the Town Manager shall prepare and submit to the Selectboard a proposal for an ordinance to be known as the Administrative Code of the Town of Barre. For the purpose of preparing the proposal, the Town Manager may have the […]