§ 1. General law application Except when changed, enlarged, or modified by the provisions of this charter, or by any legal regulation or ordinance of the City of St. Albans, all provisions of the statutes of this State relating to municipalities shall apply to the City of St. Albans. Prior acts or enactments of the […]
§ 10. The City Council (a) There shall be elected six members of the City Council, one from each ward, who shall be a legal voter in, and elected by the voters of the ward he or she represents. At each annual meeting, two members of City Council shall be elected for three years to […]
§ 11. City Manager (a) The City Manager shall be chosen and appointed by majority vote of the City Council for an indefinite term, and his or her salary fixed, solely on the basis of his or her technical education as a City Manager and executive and administrative qualifications. The City Council’s choice shall not […]
§ 12. City Clerk (a) The City Council shall appoint a City Clerk. The City Clerk shall perform for the City the same duties devolving by law upon town clerks, except as far as the same are rendered unnecessary by this charter, and shall collect the same fees therefor to be paid into the City […]
§ 13. City Treasurer (a) The City Council shall appoint a City Treasurer. The City Treasurer shall have the same power and be subject to the same liabilities as are prescribed by law for town treasurers. (b) [Repealed.] (c) The City Clerk and Treasurer may be one and the same person. (Amended 2009, No. M-23 […]
§ 14. Assessor The Assessor shall be a professionally qualified real estate appraiser or appraisal firm and shall have the same power and proceed in the discharge of the duties in the same manner, and be subject to the same liabilities as are prescribed for listers or the board of listers under the laws of […]
§ 15. Conflict of interest No elective or appointive official or employee of the City shall be beneficially interested directly or indirectly in any contract with the City, regardless of amount, or furnish any material, or perform any labor, except in the discharge of his or her official duties, unless such contract shall have been […]
§ 16. Ordinances; authority to enact (a) The City Council may make, alter, amend, or repeal any resolutions, bylaws, regulations, and ordinances that it may deem necessary and proper for carrying into execution the foregoing powers or for the well-being of the City, and that shall not be repugnant to the Constitution or the laws […]
§ 17. Ordinances; introduction; first and second readings; public hearings (a) Every ordinance shall be introduced in writing. The enacting clause of all ordinances shall be “The Council of the City of St. Albans hereby ordains . . . ”. If the Council passes the proposed ordinance upon first reading, it shall cause a short […]
§ 18. Ordinances; authority enumerated The general grant of ordinance promulgating authority in section 16 of this charter, and in addition to those powers enumerated in 24 V.S.A. § 2291, such authority shall include the authority to fix and impose licenses, fees, or taxes within the limits of the City and collect the same for […]
§ 19. Ordinances; City Council to establish penalty The City Council may provide a penalty for the violation of any ordinance, regulation, or bylaw not to exceed $500.00. Each day the violation continues shall constitute a separate and distinct offense. If no penalty shall be fixed for the violation of any ordinance, regulation, or bylaw, […]
§ 2. Boundaries The boundaries of the City of St. Albans shall continue as heretofore established by said act as amended by 1915 Acts and Resolves No. 280, which boundaries are therein described as follows: (1) Beginning at the southeasterly corner of Aldis Hill playground, thence northerly, westerly, southerly, and again westerly in the bounds […]
§ 20. Ordinances; enforcement (a) The violation of an ordinance, regulation, or bylaw adopted by the City, including zoning and subdivision bylaws adopted pursuant to 24 V.S.A. chapter 117, as the same may be amended from time to time, may be prosecuted as a civil action in the Vermont Superior Court, Vermont Environmental Court, or […]
§ 21. Ordinances; court authorized to order abatement In any prosecution for a nuisance arising under this charter or under any lawful ordinance, regulation, or bylaw resulting in a judgment or conviction, the court before which the judgment or conviction shall be had shall order the nuisance or offense complained of to be removed or […]
§ 22. Ordinances; offenders may be liable in damages A person violating any ordinance, regulation, or bylaw of the City shall be liable in damages to the City or to the person who shall sustain damage as the direct result of the violation; such damages may be recovered in an action declaring upon such ordinance, […]
§ 23. Taxation (a) The City Council shall assess such taxes upon the inhabitants of the City and the ratable estate within the City, whether owned by residents or nonresidents, as may be necessary for the payment of all State, county, and highway taxes as are or may be required by law and for the […]
§ 24. School District; transfer of fund to The City Council shall annually transfer to the School District a sum from the General Fund as may be realized from the tax required by the Board of School Commissioners, all such monies as shall arise from the State school tax, from City tuitions, and from the […]
§ 25. Sale of property The City Council may authorize the sale or lease of any personal or real estate belonging to the City, and all conveyance, grants, or leases of any such real estate shall be signed by the Mayor and be sealed with the City Seal. (Amended 2009, No. M-23 (Adj. Sess.), § […]
§ 26. Warrants (a) No money, other than money belonging to the “School Fund,” shall be paid out of the City Treasury except upon warrant approved by the City Council. All purchase approvals and warrants shall be signed by two members of the City Council. The approval of the warrant by the City Council shall […]
§ 27. Taxes; sidewalk, water, and wastewater assessment arrearages The inhabitants, estates, and the owners of those estates within the City of St. Albans shall be held to pay the arrears of taxes, sidewalk, water, and wastewater assessments, and the inhabitants, estates, and the owners of those estates without the City of St. Albans shall […]