§ 202. Selectboard— Number, terms of office, election (a) There shall be a Selectboard consisting of five members. (b) The terms of office of Selectboard members shall be for three years. (c) Unless necessary to fill a vacancy, no more than two Selectboard members shall be elected at any annual meeting. Notwithstanding, the terms of […]
§ 203. Organization (a) As soon as practicable after the first day of the month of the month following annual Town meeting, the Selectboard shall organize and elect a Chairperson, Vice Chairperson and Clerk by a majority vote of the entire Board, and shall file a certificate of the election for record in the office […]
§ 204. Meetings (a) As soon as possible after the election of the Chairperson and Vice Chairperson, the Selectboard shall fix the time and place of its regular meetings and such meetings shall be held at least once a month. (b) The Board shall determine its own rules and order of business. (c) The presence […]
§ 205. Record of proceedings (a) An official record of the proceedings of the Selectboard shall be kept by its Clerk, who need not be a member of the Selectboard, which shall be kept in the office of the Town Clerk and shall be open for public inspection. The Town Clerk shall keep official record […]
§ 206. Appointments by Selectboard (a) The Selectboard shall appoint the members of the following permanent Commissions and positions: (1) Zoning Board of Adjustment; (2) Planning Commission; (3) Town Attorney; (4) Town Manager. (b) The Selectboard may appoint such additional commissions as they feel to be in the best interest of the Town and all […]
§ 207. Jurisdiction over other officers or employees Neither the Selectboard nor any of its members shall direct or request the appointment, by any other officer or employee of the Town, of any person to office or employment, or his or her suspension or removal therefrom, or in any manner take part in the appointment, […]
§ 208. Compensation of Selectboard; appointees (a) Compensation paid to the Selectboard members shall be set by the voters at the annual meeting, with a minimum of $500.00 a year each. Selectboard members’ salaries must be set forth as a separate item in the annual budget presented to the meeting. (b) The Selectboard shall fix […]
§ 209. Powers and duties (a) The members of the Selectboard shall constitute the legislative body of the Town of Essex for all purposes required by statute and shall have all powers and authority given to, and perform all duties required of town legislative bodies or selectboards under the laws of the State of Vermont. […]