§ 31. The Town Manager (a) Appointment. The Selectboard shall appoint, with no fewer than four (4) affirmative votes, a Town Manager. (b) Qualifications. The Town Manager shall be appointed solely on the basis of the person’s executive and administrative skills, based on education, training, and experience relative to the duties of the Town Manager, […]
§ 32. Administrative departments (a) [Repealed.] (b) Department heads. Each Town department shall have a designated department head appointed by the Town Manager who shall supervise and control the department and employees of the department. The Town Manager may, at any time, assume the duties of a department head. (c) Departmental rules and regulations. Whenever […]
§ 33. Administrative code (a) The administrative code shall include the following: (1) a copy of the Town charter; (2) a properly indexed and codified volume of all Town ordinances; (3) a copy of the Town’s employee handbook, classification, and pay plan; (4) a copy of the Town’s financial and purchasing and procurement policies; (5) […]
§ 34. Administrative and policy functions prescribed by charter (a) Department of Assessment. (1) There shall be the Department of Assessment as prescribed by charter and State statute, with any staff as may be recommended by the Town Manager and approved by the Selectboard. (2) The head of the Department of Assessment shall be appointed […]