§ 6. Fire District; process for abolition The St. Johnsbury Center Fire District No. 1 is abolished when a majority of the legal voters of said Fire District present and voting on the question at a regular or special meeting of said Fire District warned for said purpose so vote and shall thereupon cease to […]
§ 7. Bylaws In meetings duly warned for the purpose, the Town of St. Johnsbury shall have power to make, alter, repeal, or amend bylaws that, together with the ordinances and regulations adopted by the Selectboard, shall regulate its affairs and shall carry into effect the provisions and intent of this charter.
§ 8. Ordinances and regulations The Selectboard of the Town of St. Johnsbury, consistent with the Constitution and laws of the United States and of this State, shall have the power and authority to make, establish, impose, alter, amend, or repeal ordinances and regulations and to enforce the same by fine, penalty, forfeiture, injunction, restraining […]
§ 9. Publication of bylaws and ordinances The bylaw adopted by the Town and the ordinances and regulations passed by the Selectboard, whether enacted under the authority of general or special law, shall be published in a newspaper having general circulation in said Town at least 20 days before the effective date thereof, and all […]