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Home » US Law » 2022 Vermont Statutes » Title 24 Appendix - Municipal Charters » Chapter 207 - Village of Bellows Falls

App § 1. Preface

§ 1. Preface Under authority granted by the General Assembly of the State of Vermont, the voters of the Bellows Falls Village corporation hereby adopt a charter for the following purposes: (1) To clarify the structure and organization of local government. (2) To define the duties and responsibilities of Village officers. (3) To provide for […]

App § 10. Treasurer’s and Collector’s duties

§ 10. Treasurer’s and Collector’s duties The Treasurer and Collector shall perform the same duties for said corporation as by law is required of a town treasurer and a collector of town taxes respectively; and shall have the same powers, proceed in the same manner, and be subject to the same liabilities; and shall give […]

App § 11. Auditors’ duties

§ 11. Auditors’ duties It shall be the duty of the auditors of accounts to audit the accounts of the Collector and Treasurer of said corporation; they shall carefully examine the vouchers of the Treasurer and all other records of public funds prior to each annual meeting, and shall have access to the books and […]

App § 12. Disqualifications

§ 12. Disqualifications A person being a resident or taxpayer of said corporation shall thereby not be disqualified, solely on that basis, to act as judge, justice, juror, sheriff, deputy sheriff, constable, or police officer, in any matter or proceeding in which said corporation shall be a party to or have an interest in.

App § 13. Bylaws and regulations

§ 13. Bylaws and regulations (a) Said corporation may enact such bylaws and regulations as are expedient, including such as relate to vehicle traffic and parking of motor and other vehicles on the streets of said Village; to streets, sidewalks, lanes, and commons, and shade and ornamental trees thereon; to nuisances; to lighting the streets […]

App § 14. Penalties; charter and bylaws

§ 14. Penalties; charter and bylaws Fines, forfeitures, and penalties, imposed for violations of any of the provisions of this charter, or of the bylaws of said corporation may be prosecuted for and recovered in and by an action founded on this section in the Vermont District Court or the Windham Superior Court. The allegation […]

App § 15. Taxes

§ 15. Taxes Said corporation may, at any annual or special meeting called in whole or in part for that purpose, lay a tax on the grand list of the Town of Rockingham; and the Board of Trustees shall make out a rate bill of all taxes voted by the Bellows Falls Village corporation, in […]

App § 16. Tax abatement

§ 16. Tax abatement The Board for the Abatement of Taxes shall consist of the Board of Trustees, President, Clerk, and Treasurer thereof, and justice of the peace and listers residing therein. The act of a majority of a quorum at a meeting shall be treated as the act of the Board. The above requirement […]

App § 17. Police Department

§ 17. Police Department (a) The Board of Trustees, and in its stead, the Village Manager, when appointed pursuant to 24 V.S.A. chapter 37, and as may be amended, may establish and maintain a Police Department. Such Police Department shall consist of one chief of police and subordinate officers as deemed necessary. Such officers, including […]

App § 18. Fire Department

§ 18. Fire Department The Board of Trustees, and in its stead, the Village Manager when appointed pursuant to 24 V.S.A. chapter 37, and as the same may be amended, may establish and maintain a Fire Department for the protection of life and property. Such Fire Department shall consist of one Fire Chief appointed by […]

App § 19. Water Department

§ 19. Water Department Said corporation may maintain a Water Department for the purpose of supplying its inhabitants, and as incident thereto, the inhabitants of adjoining towns and the Town of Rockingham, with water for domestic and other purposes, and may purchase and hold all necessary real and personal estate for that purpose, and may […]

App § 2. Amendment and repeal

§ 2. Amendment and repeal The present officers of said corporation shall hold their respective offices until the next annual meeting thereof, as provided in its bylaws. And its bylaws now in force, insofar as they do not conflict with the provisions of this charter, shall continue in force until others are adopted in their […]

App § 20. Water rates

§ 20. Water rates For the purpose of the support of said Water Department, and to ensure the payment of the annual principal and interest upon any water bonds issued by said corporation, the Board of Trustees shall establish rates to be charged and paid by the users of said water, at such times and […]

App § 21. Application of water management

§ 21. Application of water management The rents and receipts of said corporation for the use of water shall first be applied to pay the annual principal and interest as it becomes due upon water bonds issued by said corporation, and whenever such rents and receipts shall exceed the amount required to pay such principal […]

App § 22. Minard’s Pond

§ 22. Minard’s Pond It is hereby declared to be unlawful for any person or persons to go upon or into the waters of Minard’s Pond or other ponds, streams, or springs from which said corporation derives its supply of water; or to remove fish from said Minard’s Pond; or to enter upon the land […]

App § 23. Streets and sidewalks

§ 23. Streets and sidewalks (a) Lighting and the regulation of the highways, streets, and sidewalks located within the corporate limits of said corporation shall be within the control of the Board of Trustees and the corporation shall have the right to use said highways, streets, and sidewalks for sewer and water purposes and for […]

App § 24. Sewerage Department

§ 24. Sewerage Department Said corporation may maintain a Sewerage Department for the purposes of providing its inhabitants, and as incident thereto, the inhabitants of adjoining towns and the Town of Rockingham, with sewerage systems for domestic and other purposes, and may purchase and hold all necessary real and personal estate for that purpose, and […]

App § 25. Sewerage rates

§ 25. Sewerage rates For the purpose of the support of said Sewerage Department and to ensure the payment of the annual principal and interest upon any sewerage bonds issued by said corporation, the Board of Trustees shall establish rates to be charged and paid by the users of said sewer system, at such times […]

App § 26. Application of sewerage management

§ 26. Application of sewerage management The rents and receipts of said corporation for the use of sewerage shall first be applied to pay the annual principal and interest as it becomes due upon sewerage bonds issued by said corporation, and whenever such rents and receipts shall exceed the amount required to pay such principal […]

App § 27. Drains and sewers

§ 27. Drains and sewers The Board of Trustees of said corporation may lay out, grade, alter, maintain, and discontinue any sewers or drains in said corporation, and may appraise and settle the damages therefor, causing their proceedings to be recorded in the office of the Clerk of the Town of Rockingham, provided that any […]