§ 28. Refuse disposal Said corporation is hereby authorized and empowered by and with the consent of the majority of the legal voters of said Village at a meeting legally warned and held for the purpose, to establish, maintain, and operate a dumping ground for the reception and disposal of leaves, trees, and like materials […]
§ 29. Electric utility authorization Said corporation is authorized and empowered by and with the consent of a majority of the legal voters of said Village, at a meeting legally warned and held for that purpose to purchase or establish an electric light plant, and for such purpose may purchase, have, hold, and convey personal […]
§ 3. Boundaries and general powers The inhabitants within the bounds of the original first school district in the Town of Rockingham in the County of Windham, and their successors forever, are hereby constituted a body politic and corporate, by the name of the “Bellows Falls Village Corporation” and by that name may sue and […]
§ 30. Public parks and playgrounds Said Bellows Falls Village corporation is hereby authorized and empowered to acquire by gift or purchase land within or without the corporate limits of said Village corporation to be held by it and used as a public park and public playground. Said corporation for the purpose of purchasing land […]
§ 4. Meetings and warnings (a)(1) Annual meeting. The annual meeting of said corporation shall be held within said Village on the third Tuesday in May of each year at the time and place designated by the Board of Trustees in its bylaws, for the election of officers and the transaction of other business, and […]
§ 5. Elected officers’ terms and vacancies (a) The officers of said corporation shall be a Moderator, a President, a Clerk, a Treasurer, a Collector of Taxes, four Trustees, and three Auditors of Accounts. No person shall hold office of Treasurer and Auditor of Accounts simultaneously. (b) All officers of said Village shall be residents […]
§ 6. Board of Trustees’ duties (a) The Board of Trustees shall have charge of all prudential affairs of said corporation and perform the duties enjoined upon it by said corporation. (b) Said Board shall direct the expenditure of all moneys belonging to said corporation, and no money shall be expended in any department of […]
§ 7. President’s duties By virtue of the office, the President shall be a member of the Board of Trustees and shall preside over meetings of the Board of Trustees. In the absence of the President, the Trustees shall elect a Chairman from among their number.
§ 8. Clerk’s duties It shall be the duty of the Clerk to warn all meetings of said corporation, both annual and special, agreeable to the direction of the Board of Trustees, and to keep accurate records of the proceedings of said corporation, to furnish certified copies of the same when required, and the Clerk […]
§ 9. Moderator It shall be the duty of the Moderator to preside at all annual and special meetings of said corporation, and he or she shall have the same powers as a moderator of town meetings. In the absence of the Moderator, the meeting shall be called to order by a member of the […]