§ 2. Village meetings (a) An annual Village meeting for the consideration of the budget and other Village business shall be held on the first Tuesday of May according to State law except as hereinafter provided. (b) A special Village meeting: (1) may be called by a majority of the Village trustees; or (2) shall […]
§ 3. Postponement and combining of Village meetings The trustees may postpone the vote on any question to be voted at a special meeting to the annual meeting if such special meeting would fall within 75 days of the annual meeting. (Added 1999, No. M-11 (Adj. Sess.), § 2, eff. May 9, 2000.)
§ 5. Warnings (a) Public notice of every annual or special Village meeting or Village election shall be given by a warning posted in at least three places in the Village at least 30 days but not more than 40 days prior to the meeting; and published at least five days before the meeting, in […]
§ 8. Board of Civil Authority (a) The Board of Civil Authority shall consist of the justices of the peace residing within the Village, the Village Clerk, and the trustees. At the first meeting following each annual Village election, the Board of Civil Authority shall elect a Chair from among its members; the Village Clerk […]