§ 71. Appointed officers (a) Within 14 days following the annual Village meeting, the Board of Trustees shall meet and, by a majority vote, shall appoint other Village officers as allowed by law, including the following: (1) One Village Clerk. (2) One Village Treasurer. (3) One Delinquent Tax Collector. (4) One Constable. (b) A vacancy […]
§ 72. Village Clerk (a) The Village Clerk shall be appointed by the Board of Trustees for a one year term and shall: (1) maintain a record of all action taken at special or annual Town meetings; (2) maintain all Village records and an index to those records if appropriate; (3) maintain and file all […]
§ 73. Village Treasurer (a) The Village Treasurer shall be appointed by the Board of Trustees for a one year term and shall: (1) receive taxes, assessments, charges and levies, and maintain a record of monies collected and uncollected; (2) serve in the capacity of Tax Collector and, in the absence of a Delinquent Tax […]
§ 74. Delinquent Tax Collector A Delinquent Tax Collector may be appointed for a one year term by the Board of Trustees. Taxes assessed and collected shall be as stated in section 93 of this chapter, entitled—“Taxes”. In the absence of an appointed Tax Collector, the duties of such position shall revert to the Village […]
§ 75. Constable A Constable may be appointed for a one year term by the trustees. The Constable’s training and duties shall be set by the trustees. (Added 1999, No. M-11 (Adj. Sess.), § 2, eff. May 9, 2000.)