§ 91. Fiscal year The fiscal year shall begin the first day of January and end the last day of December unless another date is fixed by the voters at any annual Village meeting. (Added 1999, No. M-11 (Adj. Sess.), § 2, eff. May 9, 2000.)
§ 92. Appropriations (a) All amounts specified in the budget and approved by the voters at the annual Village meeting are appropriated for the purpose specified. The trustees may transfer appropriated amounts between general classifications and expenditures. All unexpended and unencumbered appropriations, except appropriations for capital expenditures, shall lapse at the close of the fiscal […]
§ 93. Taxes (a) All real and personal property taxes shall be paid to the Village Treasurer in full or in not more than four equal installments as set forth by specific article in the Village warning. (b) The tax rate shall be annually set by the trustees as soon as practicable after final adoption […]
§ 94. Tax abatements The Board of Civil Authority, along with the Treasurer and the listers, shall constitute the Board of Abatement. The Board shall meet at least once a year, elect a Chair and Clerk, and consider all the taxpayers’ requests for abatement of their taxes, special assessment, or other levy made by the […]
§ 95. Indemnification The Village shall indemnify and hold all elective and appointive officers harmless from and against all liability claims and suits of any type brought against them as a consequence of their service, except those caused by and arising out of their intentional or willful misconduct. Said indemnity shall include all damages, costs, […]