§ 91. Purchase of electric light plant and contract for power (a) Said Village is authorized to purchase an electric light plant and to contract for power and service to run the same for such number of years and such number of lights as may be deemed for the best interest of said Village. (b) […]
§ 92. Damages and compensation related to construction of electric power system In any case where damage or compensation to owners of or other persons interested in the water powers so taken, or such land as may be used for laying, extending, constructing, and maintaining the electric light plant and reservoirs and appurtenances is not […]
§ 93. Petition for Court hearing on compensation and damages for land taken When any person shall be dissatisfied with award of the electric light commissioners so made in any of the cases mentioned in the preceding section, such person may petition the Windsor County Court for a re-assessment of damages, and such proceedings shall […]
§ 94. Bonding for constructing electric light system Said Village by a majority vote at a meeting legally warned for such purpose is authorized to issue bonds not exceeding $40,000.00 on such terms as said Village shall prescribe for the purpose of paying the debt incurred in purchasing and constructing said electric light system and […]
§ 95. Management of electric power plant The said Board of Electric Light Commissioners shall have the authority to control, manage, and operate the electric light plant now or hereafter owned by said Village. Said Board shall have the care and management of all property pertaining to the electric light plant, and shall make and […]
§ 96. Electric rates; liens The rates and rents for the use of said electric light plant and the appurtenances thereof established by the said Board of Electric Light Commissioners shall be chargeable to and may be collected of the owners of the property so supplied with electric light power when agreed upon by said […]
§ 97. Meters A person supplied with electric light or power may, by a notice in writing, delivered to one of said Board, request the testing of the meter used to measure the electric power used by him or her or another. Said Board, upon receipt of such request, shall cause the meter complained of […]
§ 98. Electric Department finances It shall be the duty of the Treasurer of said Village to keep separate accounts of all moneys received from the Electric Light Department and the rates and receipts of said Village for the use of electric light power shall be applied first to pay the interest as it becomes […]