§ 1. Village boundaries (a) The ratable and all other estate in the Town of Lyndon, in the County of Caledonia, included within the following boundaries, is hereby incorporated and shall hereafter be known as the Village of Lyndonville: Beginning at a point on the easterly bank of the Passumpsic River on the south line […]
§ 10. Collector of Taxes The Village Collector of Taxes shall discharge the usual duties of such office, and shall have the same powers and be subject to the same liabilities as are prescribed by the general law for town collectors of taxes.
§ 11. Bonds, Treasurer and Collector of Taxes The Treasurer and Collector of Taxes of the Village shall severally give bonds for the faithful performance of their duties in such sums as the Trustees shall direct.
§ 13. Trustees The trustees shall be the governing board of the Village, and shall have power to enact, adopt, amend, alter, or repeal ordinances and regulations not repugnant to the Constitution and laws of this State and of the United States, or to the charter of said Village, and to enforce the same by […]
§ 14. Chief Engineer The Chief Engineer of the Fire Department and his or her assistants shall be ex officio fire wardens of said Village, and the duties of said Engineer shall be such as may be prescribed by the bylaws, ordinances, and regulations of said Village. The Chief Engineer, and in his or her […]
§ 15. Trustees; appointments The trustees shall have authority to appoint annually and to prescribe the duties of a Chief of Police and police officers; of a Chief Engineer of the Fire Department and the assistant engineers; of the superintendents of the Village departments; of a Building Inspector; and of such other Village officials as […]
§ 16. Police officers The police officers shall have the power of town grand jurors to present complaints for any offence committed against the laws of the State within the limits of said Village, and shall be entitled to receive the same fees therefor. They shall have the same power and authority as conservators of […]
§ 17. Departments; superintendents The superintendents of Village departments shall be generally under the supervision of the trustees, and shall perform the work customary to their offices.
§ 18. Building Inspector Within the Village limits the Building Inspector shall have authority to oversee the location and construction of all buildings and all repairs on buildings already constructed, and shall oversee the construction and repair of elevators, oil storage tanks, fireplaces, stoves, flues, chimneys, and all electrical wiring; and he or she may […]
§ 19. Trustees; meetings The trustees shall meet regularly at suitable times to enact ordinances and to transact any and all other proper business, and at such meetings shall give audience to all complaints and protests, and shall cause a record of their proceedings to be kept by the Village Clerk.
§ 2. Alteration of Village boundaries The inhabitants of said Village may alter the bounds of said Village with the written consent of the persons owning real estate which will be included or excluded thereby, such written consent and alteration being first recorded in the office of the Town Clerk of the Town of Lyndon, […]
§ 20. Ordinances; adoption (a) No ordinance passed by said trustees shall be enforceable until notice thereof has been posted in four public places, within the bounds of said Village, for a period of two weeks and published twice within said period of two weeks in a newspaper printed in said Village, or, if no […]
§ 21. Town highway district All of the territory embraced within the limits of said Village is hereby constituted a highway district of the Town of Lyndon, and all of the highway taxes assessed upon the ratable estate thereof shall be paid in money, and the selectmen of the Town of Lyndon shall make out […]
§ 22. Highway taxes The trustees shall have power to direct the expenditure of highway taxes assessed upon the ratable estate within the limits of the Village of Lyndonville; said trustees shall have the same power to lay out, alter, maintain, and discontinue any street, highway, lane, or walk within the Village limits and appraise […]
§ 23. Licenses The trustees of said Village shall have the same power of granting licenses and vacating the same within the limits of said Village, agreeably to the bylaws, ordinances, and regulations that the selectmen has by law.
§ 24. Property taxes; assessment and collection The said Village may, at any annual meeting or special meeting called for that purpose, as hereinbefore provided, lay a tax upon the ratable estate within the same, whether of residents or non-residents, for any of the purposes hereinbefore mentioned, and the trustees shall make out a rate […]
§ 25. Grand list The grand list of the ratable estate within said Village, as made out by the listers of the Town of Lyndon and filed by them in the office of the Town Clerk of said Town shall be the grand list of said Village, and the trustees shall cause a copy of […]
§ 26. Tax abatement The trustees of said Village shall have power to abate taxes laid or assessed by virtue of this act, to remit fines or forfeitures imposed for violation of this act, or bylaws, ordinances, or regulations of said Village, and to discharge such offenders from imprisonment for same.
§ 27. Officers; disqualification No person being a resident or taxpayer of said Village shall thereby be deemed disqualified to act as judge, justice, juror, sheriff, deputy sheriff, constable, or police officer, in any matter, cause, or proceeding in which said Village shall be interested.
§ 28. Special meeting If the annual meeting of said Village shall not be held for want of the notice hereinbefore mentioned, or for any other reason, the Village shall not thereby be prejudiced, and the officers aforesaid may at any time thereafter be elected in special meeting called for that purpose, and special meetings […]