§ 1. Applicability (a) When approved by a majority of the legal voters of the Village of Morrisville present and voting by Australian ballot at an annual meeting duly warned for that purpose, the following shall be the charter of the Village of Morrisville. (b) This charter may be amended or revised in the manner […]
§ 10. Duties of Treasurer (a) The Treasurer shall perform the duties required by State statute or this charter. The Treasurer shall: (1) promptly deposit all funds coming into his or her hands in such depositories as may be designated by the trustees; (2) invest funds as directed by the trustees; (3) keep such books […]
§ 11. Village Clerk (a) The Clerk shall keep an official record of the proceedings of the Board of Trustees. The records shall be kept in the office of the Village Clerk and shall be open for public inspection. The Clerk shall keep the official record of the proceedings of all special and annual Village […]
§ 12. Moderator The Moderator shall preside at all annual and special meetings of the Village, shall decide questions of order, and make public declarations of votes passed. The moderator shall have and exercise the same powers and duties with respect to the Village that Moderators have and exercise with respect to towns.
§ 13. Annual and special meetings (a) The annual meeting of the Village for the election of officers and transaction of any other business specified in the warning of the meeting shall be held on the second Monday in April of each year at a time and place designated in the notice of such meeting. […]
§ 14. Residence All persons qualified to vote in a Town meeting of the Town of Morristown who reside within the corporate limits, described in section 2 of this charter, shall be legal voters of the Village of Morrisville. The residents of the Village shall belong to and remain residents of the Town of Morristown.
§ 15. Fiscal year The fiscal year of the corporation shall commence on the first day of January and close on the last day of December, unless the legal voters of the Village at its annual meeting shall determine otherwise. If the legal voters of the Village vote another fiscal year, it shall specify the […]
§ 2. Village boundaries All that portion of the Town of Morristown in the County of Lamoille as follows: Beginning at the northwest corner of the farm now owned by W.J. Foss and Helen Foss, and being at the point where the lands of the said W.J. Foss and Helen Foss and lands of Harold […]
§ 5. Grand List The grand list for the Town of Morristown within the Village corporate limits shall be the grand list for the Village of Morrisville. The trustees shall make out and deliver to the Treasurer a tax bill, with a warrant for its collection. The Treasurer shall compile a tax roll from the […]
§ 6. Village officers (a) The officers of the corporation shall consist of a Moderator, five trustees, a Clerk, and a Treasurer. The officers shall be elected at the annual meeting of the corporation for the term of one year and until their successors are elected, except that trustees shall hold office for five years. […]
§ 7. Board of Trustees; powers; meetings (a) The members of the Board of Trustees shall constitute the legislative body of the Village of Morrisville for all purposes required by statute, and, except as otherwise specifically provided, shall have all powers and authority given to, and perform all duties required of, incorporated villages or boards […]
§ 8. Treasurer The Treasurer shall give a bond to the corporation conditioned upon the faithful performance of his or her duties in such sums and with such sureties as the trustees may prescribe. If a Treasurer does not give such bond within 10 days after his or her election or appointment, the office shall […]
§ 9. Audit of Village officers The accounts and vouchers of the officers of the corporation shall be professionally audited, and the audit shall be printed each year in the annual report of the Village of Morrisville.