§ 1. Boundaries; corporate names; powers All that part of Barton in the County of Orleans enclosed within the following boundaries, to wit, Beginning at the northwesterly corner of the highway bridge on the highway leading from Orleans Village to Coventry, near the junction of the Barton and Willoughby Rivers; thence north 47 1-2 degrees […]
§ 10. Duties of the Clerk It shall be the duty of the Clerk to keep fair and accurate records of all of the proceedings of said corporation, and the Clerk shall give copies of the same when required, and shall have power to certify to the same, for which copies so certified the Clerk […]
§ 11. Special meetings; how called On request of five legal voters of the Village, the Clerk, and upon the Clerk’s neglect or refusal, the trustees, may call a special meeting of said Village, giving notice of the same as in case of the annual meeting, and specifying in the notice the objects of the […]
§ 12. General powers and duties of trustees The Board of Trustees shall have the general care and management of the prudential interests and affairs of said Village; shall assess all taxes and make out a rate-bill accordingly; shall direct the expenditure of all moneys belonging to said Village, draw orders upon the Treasurer and […]
§ 13. Duties of Treasurer and Collector The Treasurer and Collector shall perform the same duties for said corporation as by law required of a town treasurer and a collector of town taxes respectively; and shall have the same powers, proceed in the same manner, be subject to the same liabilities, and shall give bonds […]
§ 14. Duties of Auditors The auditors shall, previous to each annual Village meeting, examine and adjust the accounts of Village officers, and report the accounts so adjusted, with the items thereof, and also the state of the treasury, to the Village at its annual meeting, which report when adopted shall be recorded by the […]
§ 15. Further duties of auditor; police officers, how appointed and removed; their powers and duties The auditors shall not allow a claim or account for the personal service of a Village officer except when compensation for such service is fixed by law, or by a vote of the Village. The auditors shall include in […]
§ 16. Powers and duties of the Board of Fire Wardens The Chief Engineer, first and second assistant engineers shall constitute a Board of Fire Wardens. The Board of Fire Wardens or any of them who may be present at a fire, shall have power at such fire to suppress all tumults and riots by […]
§ 17. Ordinances, regulations, and bylaws Said Village shall have power to make, establish, alter, or amend or repeal ordinances, regulations, and bylaws for the following purposes: (1) To establish and regulate a market. (2) To suppress and restrain disorderly and gaming houses, billiard tables, and all descriptions of gaming and for the destruction of […]
§ 18. Bylaws, rules, and ordinances, when recorded to be the prima facie evidence The bylaws, rules, and ordinances of said Village shall be recorded in the office of the Clerk of said Village, and the Clerk’s certificate that such bylaws, rules, and ordinances were adopted at an annual meeting of said Village or at […]
§ 19. Power of trustees in laying out streets, sidewalks, etc.; damages therefor, how recovered The trustees of said Village may lay out, alter, maintain, or discontinue any street, road, lane, alley, or walk in said Village and appraise and settle damages therefor, causing their proceedings to be recorded in the Town Clerk’s office of […]
§ 2. Alteration of bounds; requisites The Village may, by vote in Village meeting, alter its bounds with the written consent of each person whose residence or property will be included or excluded by such alteration. A record of such alteration of bounds and of such instruments of consent shall be made in the Town […]
§ 20. Power of trustees in laying sewers; proceedings by persons dissatisfied Whenever the public health or convenience shall require the construction of a common sewer or main drain in the Village of Orleans, the trustees of said Village, upon application in writing of five or more freeholders and legal voters of said Village, are […]
§ 21. Assessment and collection of taxes Said corporation may at any annual or special meeting called in whole or in part for that purpose, as herein provided, lay a tax on the grand list of said Town of Barton, of the inhabitants of said Village, and upon the ratable estate within the same belonging […]
§ 22. Power of trustees in granting licenses The trustees of said Village shall have the sole power of granting licenses and vacating the same, within the limits of said Village, agreeably to the bylaws, rules, and ordinances thereof that the selectboard has by chapter 95 and by section 22 of chapter 119 of the […]
§ 23. Grand list, how composed The grand list of the ratable estate within said Village, as made out by the listers of the Town of Barton, shall be the grand list of said Village, and the trustees shall cause a copy of said list to be made and filed in the office of the […]
§ 24. Residents of Village not incompetent to hold Town offices The inhabitants of said Village shall belong to and remain inhabitants of the Town of Barton, and no member of such Village corporation shall be deemed incompetent to act as sheriff, constable, or witness in any cause or proceeding in which said corporation shall […]
§ 25. Corporation empowered to borrow money and issue bonds and notes therefor Said Village, at an annual meeting, or any special meeting called for that purpose, is hereby authorized and empowered to vote to borrow money for any of the purposes herein mentioned and to issue its notes and bonds therefor, which bonds and […]
§ 26. Duties of listers of Town of Barton respecting real estate within Village limits It shall be the duty of the listers of the Town of Barton in making their assessments of real estate in said Town to designate in the list by them made, the real estate situated within the Village of Orleans; […]
§ 27. Powers of trustees respecting water Said Village is hereby authorized and empowered through its trustees to be elected as hereinafter provided, to take the waters of any fountains, springs, ponds, rivers, streams, or lakes in the Towns of Barton, Westmore, Brownington, and Irasburg for the purpose of supplying the inhabitants of said Village […]