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App § 154. Composition

§ 154. Composition The Board of Finance shall be constituted as follows: The Mayor shall, ex officio, be Chair of said Board and together with the President of the City Council, and three additional members of the City Council who shall be elected at the first meeting of the City Council in April of each […]

App § 155. Board to act as board of audit; uniform system to be adopted

§ 155. Board to act as board of audit; uniform system to be adopted The Board of Finance shall act as a board of audit. They shall establish, and each department shall adopt, such systems of accounting and auditing for each department of the City government, as will give uniform and reliable methods for transacting […]

App § 156. Monthly reports; annual audit

§ 156. Monthly reports; annual audit The Board of Finance shall provide for regular monthly reports to be made by each department to the City Council; they shall also provide for the annual auditing of the books of each department, by a competent professional auditor, and may also provide for such further auditing as shall […]

App § 157. Preparation and submission of budget

§ 157. Preparation and submission of budget The Mayor shall, with the assistance of the other members of the Board of Finance, annually prepare an estimate of the necessary appropriations to cover the expenses of each department and branch of the City government for the next fiscal year, to be known as the “budget,” and […]

App § 158. Sinking Fund abolished

§ 158. Sinking Fund abolished The General Sinking Fund of the City, so-called, is hereby abolished and all monies or funds currently deposited in such Sinking Fund shall be appropriated in accordance with the requirements of sections 65 and 157 of this charter.

App § 159. Selection of official depositary

§ 159. Selection of official depositary The Board of Finance shall, in the month of June 1994, and not less frequently than once every three years thereafter, procure from chartered banks of known reliability and sufficient capital their offers to act as depositary for the City monies, or for specified portions thereof, and the terms […]

App § 160. Care and control of public buildings

§ 160. Care and control of public buildings The Board of Finance shall also have the care and control of all public buildings not specifically in charge of any other department of the City under this chapter or ordinance or resolution of the City Council. They shall appoint or employ such persons as may be […]

App § 161. Repairs to public buildings

§ 161. Repairs to public buildings The Board of Finance may cause such repairs or enlargements to be made to said buildings from time to time as the interests of the City may require; provided, however, that when the estimated cost of any such repairs or enlargements exceeds the amount of money appropriated by the […]

App § 162. Board authorized to rent portions of public buildings

§ 162. Board authorized to rent portions of public buildings The Board of Finance may rent such portion of the public buildings to such public officers or private persons as to them shall seem for the best interests of the City; provided, however, that rentals for a period of more than one week shall require […]

App § 163. Composition

§ 163. Composition (a) The Board of School Commissioners of said City shall be composed of 12 school commissioners. One commissioner from Ward One through Eight inclusive and one commissioner from each of the four districts shall be elected as hereinbefore and hereinafter provided. (b) Anything contained herein or in the general statutes to the […]

App § 164. Terms; elections

§ 164. Terms; elections (a) On the first Tuesday in March 2015 and biennially thereafter, the legal voters of each of the South, Central, East, and North City districts shall, from among the legal voters of their respective districts, elect a school commissioner for a two-year term. (b)(1) On the first Tuesday in March 2015, […]

App § 165. Manner of filling vacancies

§ 165. Manner of filling vacancies In case of a vacancy in the office of school commissioner, occasioned by death, resignation, removal from the ward, or as a result of such school commissioner no longer residing in such ward as a result of reapportionment or other causes, the same shall be filled by a new […]

App § 166. Meetings

§ 166. Meetings Said Board shall, by general regulations, provide for the holding of regular meetings. The Clerk shall call special meetings whenever a majority of the commissioners concur in requesting him or her so to do. All meetings of the Board of School Commissioners shall be open to the public except when an executive […]

App § 167. Duties

§ 167. Duties Said Board shall have the care and custody of all property belonging to or used for the several public schools of said City and such care shall include authority to make ordinary repairs on school property and finish any unfinished apartments and make such alterations in any school building, as said Board […]

App § 168. Adoption of budget

§ 168. Adoption of budget (a)(1) Said Board shall annually be responsible for the preparation and adoption of a budget, which shall include a detailed estimate of revenues and expenditures for the ensuing July 1 to June 30 fiscal year. The budget shall be formally adopted no later than January 20 of the fiscal year […]

App § 169. Powers generally; authority to establish graded schools

§ 169. Powers generally; authority to establish graded schools Said Board shall have in general all the powers and authority, and perform all the duties, pertaining to school officers in towns of this State, not inconsistent with the provisions of this charter. It may establish graded schools and provide for instruction in the sciences and […]

App § 170. Authority to establish bylaws and regulations

§ 170. Authority to establish bylaws and regulations Said Board may establish such bylaws and regulations for carrying out the powers herein granted as are consistent with the provisions of this charter and the general law of this State.

App § 171. Appointment; compensation; removal; term

§ 171. Appointment; compensation; removal; term Said commissioners shall, if applicable under the circumstances, during the second week in April, appoint the Superintendent of Schools and/or fix his or her compensation, which shall be paid by the school commissioners in the same manner as other expenses for the support of schools; and for causes of […]

App § 172. Duties of Superintendent; commissioners to file monthly report

§ 172. Duties of Superintendent; commissioners to file monthly report The Superintendent of Schools shall perform such duties in connection with the public schools of said City as shall be assigned him or her by the Board of School Commissioners. The Superintendent shall annually report to the City Council such statistics as are required by […]

App § 173. Appointment; duties

§ 173. Appointment; duties Said Board shall appoint truant officers for said City, as provided by general law. Said truant officers shall have the same powers and perform the same duties as prescribed by the general law of this State for truant officers in towns and cities, and shall have such further powers and perform […]