§ 5a. Sovereign immunity The District shall have the benefit of sovereign immunity to the same extent that the State of Vermont does. The District shall provide liability and other insurance for itself and the members of the Board of Supervisors. The District shall hold harmless and indemnify all members of the Board of Supervisors […]
§ 6. Transportation and collection site Each member municipality, either directly or through independent parties, may provide one or more collection sites for the solid waste or recoverable materials generated within the member municipality and for the transportation of solid waste or recoverable materials to the District facility, together with all costs incident thereto. In […]
§ 7. Responsibility to accept solid waste (a) The District becomes responsible for providing a system for resource recovery, as delineated in subsection (b) of this section, when the Board of Supervisors declares the disposal system operational. (b) The District may provide a system for resource recovery and disposal of all solid waste generated by […]