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App § 501. Annual meetings

§ 501. Annual meetings Annual meetings of the District shall be held on the first Tuesday in March for the purpose of member towns adopting a the budget for the ensuing fiscal year, and for the purpose of conducting any other properly warned business.

App § 502. Special meetings

§ 502. Special meetings The Board of Supervisors may call a special meeting of the District whenever a majority of the Board of Supervisors shall deem it necessary or prudent so to do, and shall call a special meeting of the District upon receipt of a petition signed by at least five percent of the […]

App § 503. Place of meetings

§ 503. Place of meetings Annual and special meetings of the District shall be held at such place within the District as the Board of Supervisors shall deem appropriate. All articles calling for action to be taken by the legal votes of the District shall be voted upon by the legal voters of the District […]

App § 505. Contents of warnings

§ 505. Contents of warnings The notice of an annual or special meeting of the District shall contain the date, time, place, and nature of the meeting. It shall, by separate articles, specifically indicate the business to be transacted at such meeting, and shall specify the questions to be voted upon. The warning shall contain […]

App § 506. Signing of warnings

§ 506. Signing of warnings The original warning for each annual and special meeting of the District shall be signed by a majority of the members of the Board of Supervisors and shall be filed with the District Clerk.

App § 507. Public hearings

§ 507. Public hearings Not less than three nor more than 14 days prior to any special meeting of the District, the Board of Supervisors shall hold at least one public hearing at which time the issues under consideration shall be presented to the legal voters of the District, and comments thereupon received from the […]

App § 508. Australian ballot

§ 508. Australian ballot The Australian ballot system shall be used at all meetings of the District for all articles calling for action by the legal voters of the District.

App § 509. Qualification and registration of voters

§ 509. Qualification and registration of voters The legal voters of each member municipality shall constitute the legal voters of the District. Prior to each District meeting at which action is to be taken by the legal voters of the District, each member municipality shall cause its checklist to be revised and posted in accordance […]

App § 510. Conduct of meetings

§ 510. Conduct of meetings At all meetings of the District, the provision of 17 V.S.A. chapter 51 regarding election officials (subchapter 1), voting machines (subchapter 3), polling places (subchapter 4), absent voters (subchapter 6), process of voting (subchapter 7), count and return of votes (subchapter 8), recounts and contest of elections (subchapter 9), and […]

App § 511. Reconsideration or rescission of vote

§ 511. Reconsideration or rescission of vote (a) A question considered or voted upon at an annual or special meeting of the District shall not be submitted to the voters for reconsideration or rescission, except at a subsequent annual or special meeting duly warned for that purpose, and called for by the Board of Supervisors […]

App § 512. Validation of District meetings

§ 512. Validation of District meetings Whenever any of the requirements as to the notice or warning of a District meeting have been omitted or not complied with, such omission or noncompliance, if the meeting and the business transacted thereat is otherwise legal and within the scope of the District powers, may be corrected and […]