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Home » US Law » 2022 Vermont Statutes » Title 24 Appendix - Municipal Charters » Chapter 601 - Rutland County Recreational District

App § 10. Regular meetings

§ 10. Regular meetings Regular meetings of the Board of Supervisors shall be held periodically with the time and place to be determined by the Board of Supervisors. (Added 2005, No. M-8, § 2.)

App § 11. Special meetings

§ 11. Special meetings Special meetings of the Board of Supervisors may be called at any time by the Chair or shall be called by the Clerk upon written request of a majority of the members of the Board. Except in case of an emergency, each member of the Board shall be given at least […]

App § 12. Quorum

§ 12. Quorum For the purposes of transacting business, the presence of more than 50 percent of the members shall constitute a quorum. However, a smaller number may postpone a meeting to another date. Any action adopted by a majority of the votes of the Board of Supervisors at which a quorum is present shall […]

App § 13. Voting

§ 13. Voting Each member of the Board of Supervisors shall be entitled to cast one vote for the municipality. (Added 2005, No. M-8, § 2.)

App § 14. Term

§ 14. Term All representatives to the Board of Supervisors shall hold office for one year and until their successors are duly appointed and qualified. Any representative may be reappointed to successive terms without limit. Any member may be removed at any time by a majority vote of the legislative body of the municipality which […]

App § 15. Vacancy

§ 15. Vacancy Any vacancy on the Board of Supervisors shall be filled within 30 days after the vacancy occurs by appointment of the authority which appointed the representative whose position has become vacant. An appointee to a vacancy shall serve until the expiration of the term of the representative to whose position the appointment […]

App § 16. Rules of procedure

§ 16. Rules of procedure The Board of Supervisors may adopt rules which shall govern at all meetings. (Added 2005, No. M-8, § 2.)

App § 18. Absence rule

§ 18. Absence rule Any supervisor who fails to attend three consecutive Board meetings without notice to the alternate of the municipality may result in the Board of Supervisors requesting the municipality to replace that supervisor. (Added 2005, No. M-8, § 2.)

App § 19. Telephone participation

§ 19. Telephone participation If approved by the Board of Supervisors, any member of the Board may participate in any meeting of the Board by means of a conference telephone or similar communications equipment by means of which all persons participating in the meeting can hear each other, and participation at a meeting in such […]

App § 33. Budget, appropriation, and assessment

§ 33. Budget, appropriation, and assessment (a)(1) Proposed budget. Annually, on or before the first day of December, the Board of Supervisors shall prepare and distribute to the legislative body of each member municipality for review and comment an annual report of its activities during the previous 12 months, including a proposed budget of the […]

App § 37. Sinking fund

§ 37. Sinking fund The Board of Supervisors, with the approval of a majority of the voters present and voting at a special District meeting called and warned for the purpose, may establish and provide for a sinking fund which shall serve and be used exclusively as a debt service reserve fund for the retirement […]

App § 38. Capital reserve fund

§ 38. Capital reserve fund The Board of Supervisors, with the approval of a majority of the voters present and voting at a special District meeting called and warned for the purpose, may establish and provide for a capital reserve fund to pay for public improvements in furtherance of the purpose for which the District […]

App § 39. Fees

§ 39. Fees The Board of Supervisors may from time to time establish and adjust a fee structure for the purpose of generating revenues from sources other than assessments to member municipalities, particularly concerning the operation and maintenance of any facility. (Added 2005, No. M-8, § 2.)

App § 40. Special meetings

§ 40. Special meetings The Board of Supervisors may call a special meeting of the District when it deems it necessary or prudent to do so and shall call a special meeting of the District when action by the voters of the District is necessary under this chapter or under any applicable law. In addition, […]

App § 41. Places of meetings

§ 41. Places of meetings At any special meeting of the District, voters of each municipality within the District shall cast their ballots at polling places within the municipality of their residence as shall be determined by each member municipality. (Added 2005, No. M-8, § 2.)

App § 42. Warnings

§ 42. Warnings The original warning for any District meeting shall be signed by a majority of the Board of Supervisors and shall be filed with the District Clerk before being posted. (Added 2005, No. M-8, § 2.)

App § 43. Warnings required

§ 43. Warnings required The Board of Supervisors of the District shall warn a District meeting by filing a notice with the town or city clerk of each member municipality and by posting a notice in at least three public places, and additional public places as may be required by law, in each municipality in […]

App § 52. Approval to bond

§ 52. Approval to bond No proposal to the voters of the District for the approval of a bond or bonds to raise money for the District or to authorize a long-term contract as provided in Article 4 of this chapter shall be made until the District has been in existence for at least one […]

App § 53. Admission of new member municipalities

§ 53. Admission of new member municipalities The Board of Supervisors may authorize the inclusion of additional member municipalities in the District upon terms and conditions as it in its sole discretion shall deem to be fair, reasonable, and in the best interest of the District. The legislative body of any nonmember municipality which desires […]