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App § 1. Establishment of City

§ 1. Establishment of City Out of the territory heretofore existing within the limits of the Towns of Newport and Derby is established the City of Newport, embracing all the territory included within the limits described in this charter; and the remainder of the territory of the Town of Newport is established as a new […]

App § 10. Mayoral approval and Board of Aldermen reconsideration of vetoed actions

§ 10. Mayoral approval and Board of Aldermen reconsideration of vetoed actions The action of the Board of Aldermen shall require the approval of the Mayor, except as herein otherwise provided, for the enacting of all ordinances and bylaws and the awarding of any contracts, the appointment of any officers or committees, or the passing […]

App § 11. Police officers

§ 11. Police officers All police officers shall have authority to serve anywhere within the State, and return process in criminal causes returnable within the State, and shall have the power of constables in all matters arising under the criminal and police laws of the State and the police regulations of said City.

App § 12. Board of Civil Authority and Board of Abatement

§ 12. Board of Civil Authority and Board of Abatement The City Council, City Clerk, and the justices of the peace residing in the City shall constitute the Board of Civil Authority for the City, and, in conjunction with the listers, shall constitute a Board for the Abatement of Taxes, and shall be governed by […]

App § 13. City Clerk

§ 13. City Clerk The City Clerk shall perform for the City the same duties devolving by law upon town clerks, except so far as the same are rendered unnecessary by this charter, and shall receive the same fees therefor, or shall receive such compensation from the City for his or her services as the […]

App § 14. City Treasurer

§ 14. City Treasurer The City Treasurer shall have the same powers and be subject to the same liabilities as are prescribed by law for town treasurers. The City Clerk shall be eligible to hold the office of City Treasurer. It shall be the duty of said Treasurer, upon the receipt of any rate bill […]

App § 14a. Collector of Taxes

§ 14a. Collector of Taxes The Collector of Taxes shall have the same powers and be subject to the same liabilities in and for the City as collectors of town taxes in the State have by law and are subject to, and shall proceed in the performances of his or her duties as such collectors […]

App § 15. Constable

§ 15. Constable The Constable shall have the same powers and be under the same duties and liabilities as are prescribed by law for the constables of towns, except for the collection of taxes, and said Constable and all special police officers shall have the same powers as sheriffs in suppressing riots and all unlawful […]

App § 16. Department of Assessment

§ 16. Department of Assessment There shall be a Department of Assessment, which shall consist of a Chief Assessor and such assistants as are deemed to be necessary by the City Council. The Chief Assessor and assistants shall be appointed and may be removed by the City Council. The Department of Assessment shall have the […]

App § 17. Auditors

§ 17. Auditors The auditors shall examine and adjust the accounts of the Treasurer and all other City officers, and report the accounts so settled with the items thereof, and also the state of the Treasury; and the reports shall be printed, together with those of the other City officers, under the direction of the […]

App § 18. City grand jurors

§ 18. City grand jurors The City grand jurors shall be complaining officers and shall have the same powers and be subject to the same liabilities in said City as are conferred and imposed by law upon grand jurors.

App § 19. Overseer of the Poor

§ 19. Overseer of the Poor [This section, originally enacted as § 19 of No. 273 of the Laws of 1917, established the Office of Overseer of the Poor, which the General Assembly abolished in every municipality as of October 1, 1968 pursuant to the provisions of § 37 of No. 147 of 1967. Based […]

App § 20. Superintendent of Streets

§ 20. Superintendent of Streets The Superintendent of Streets, under the direction of the City Council, shall have the superintendence of all roads, streets, sidewalks, sewers, and electric wires, conduits, and appliances used for lighting purposes and owned by the City, in said City, and the construction and repair of the same, and shall have […]

App § 21. City Attorney

§ 21. City Attorney It shall be the duty of the City Attorney to prosecute and defend all suits by or against the City or in which the City is interested, to prosecute for all violations of the City ordinances, and to advise the Mayor or Council when requested by them upon any legal questions […]

App § 22. Board of Fire Wardens

§ 22. Board of Fire Wardens The Board of Fire Wardens, or any one of them who may be present at a fire, shall have power at such fire to suppress all tumults and riots by force if necessary, to direct the labor of all persons present during the continuance of such fire, to remove […]

App § 23. City Council powers

§ 23. City Council powers The City Council shall have power to make, establish, alter, amend, or repeal ordinances, regulations, and bylaws not inconsistent with this charter or with the Constitution or laws of the United States or of this State for the following purposes and to inflict penalties for the breach thereof: (1) To […]

App § 24. Fines

§ 24. Fines No fine shall be imposed for the violation of any City ordinance or bylaw exceeding $100.00, provided, that when it may be necessary to abate a nuisance the expense of such abatement may be imposed upon the delinquent in addition to said fine. A person who violates any City ordinance or bylaw […]

App § 25. Streets and sidewalks

§ 25. Streets and sidewalks The City Council shall have power to regulate, establish, and alter the grade of streets and width of sidewalks, and the construction thereof, and to prescribe the material to be used therein, and also to provide, order, and direct that the sidewalks upon such streets as the City Council shall […]

App § 26. Water system

§ 26. Water system The City Council shall have all the powers over and in any way appertaining to the water system owned by the present Village of Newport that are now conferred on the water commissioners, provided for in 1878 Acts and Resolves No. 201, entitled “An act defining the power of the Village […]

App § 27. Sale or lease of City owned property

§ 27. Sale or lease of City owned property The City Council may authorize the sale of real or personal estate belonging to the City when the same shall not exceed in value $1,000.00, or may lease the same for a term not exceeding one year, and all conveyances, grants, or leases of any such […]