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App § 28. City expenditures

§ 28. City expenditures Except as herein otherwise provided, no money shall be paid out of the City Treasury except upon warrant, signed by the Mayor and approved by the Board of Aldermen, such approval to be authenticated by the City Clerk. A full record of all expenditures shall be kept, and a clear statement […]

App § 29. Assessment of taxes on grand list

§ 29. Assessment of taxes on grand list The City Council shall assess and lay all taxes upon the grand list of said City, and in addition to such tax as may be necessary for the payment of all such State, county, and highway taxes as are or may be required by law, and in […]

App § 3. City boundaries and corporate powers

§ 3. City boundaries and corporate powers The inhabitants of that portion of the Towns of Newport and Derby included within the following boundaries, to wit: Beginning at the southeast corner of land of J. C. Roby, and southwest corner of land of William Buck in the Town of Derby on the north line of […]

App § 30. Revenues credit and appropriations

§ 30. Revenues credit and appropriations (a) The current revenues of the City shall consist of money raised by taxation, from fines and other lawful sources, and such revenues shall constitute the entire sum from which appropriations and payments are to be made, according to law, by or under the authority of the City Council. […]

App § 32. Bonds of City officers

§ 32. Bonds of City officers The Treasurer, Clerk, Constable, Tax Collector, and Superintendent of Streets and Waterworks shall annually give bonds to the City to the satisfaction of the City Council for the faithful discharge of their respective duties, and any other City officer may be required by the City Council to give similar […]

App § 34. Pledge of credit

§ 34. Pledge of credit Whenever the legal voters of the City shall give authority to the Council thereof to pledge the credit of the City for any purpose, the City shall have power and authority to issue its negotiable orders, warrants, notes, or bonds, and to prescribe whether such bonds shall be registered or […]

App § 38. Paupers

§ 38. Paupers (a) The Town of Newport and the City of Newport shall, on and after April first, 1919, be respectively liable for one-half the support of all persons who were paupers on said Town of Newport, meaning those being supported on the Town Farm of said Town, on the first Tuesday of March […]

App § 39. Public schools and school property

§ 39. Public schools and school property The exclusive management and control of the public schools and all school property is vested in a board of five school trustees. Said trustees shall be bona fide residents of the City and qualified voters for school officers. The three incumbents constituting the present Board shall continue in […]

App § 4. Voter qualifications

§ 4. Voter qualifications The qualifications of a voter in City meetings shall be the same as are required of voters in town meetings.

App § 40. City Manager

§ 40. City Manager (a) The Council may, when the City so votes at any annual meeting, appoint a City Manager who shall be the administrative head of the municipal government under the direction and supervision of the Council, and who shall hold office at the pleasure of the Council. The duties of the City […]

App § 41. City Council election of City officers

§ 41. City Council election of City officers The Council shall, when the City so votes at any annual meeting, elect the Clerk, Treasurer, Constable, listers, auditors, City grand jurors provided for in section 6 of this charter, which election by said Council shall be in lieu of the method provided for in said section […]

App § 5. Warning and convening of annual meeting

§ 5. Warning and convening of annual meeting On the first Tuesday of March 1918, and annually thereafter on the first Tuesday of March, a meeting of the legal voters of said City shall be held at nine o’clock A.M., at a place to be appointed by the City Council of said City, of which […]

App § 6. Elections of officers at annual meeting

§ 6. Elections of officers at annual meeting At the annual meeting the said corporations shall elect from among the legal voters of said City a Mayor, City Clerk, four aldermen, a City Treasurer, one Constable, three listers, three auditors, and three grand jurors, who shall hold office until the next annual meeting and until […]

App § 7. Mayor and Board of Aldermen as City Council

§ 7. Mayor and Board of Aldermen as City Council The administration of all fiscal, prudential, and municipal affairs of said City, and the government thereof, shall be vested in the Mayor and Board of Aldermen. The Board of Aldermen shall consist of four aldermen, who shall elect one of their number President of said […]

App § 8. Officers appointed by City Council

§ 8. Officers appointed by City Council The City Council shall appoint, and may remove at its pleasure and appoint others in their stead, the following officers, none of whom shall be members of the City Council, viz: a Collector of Taxes, a Superintendent of Streets and Waterworks, a City Attorney, a Board of Fire […]

App § 9. Powers of Mayor; City Council to establish water rates

§ 9. Powers of Mayor; City Council to establish water rates The Mayor shall be the Chief Executive Officer of the City. He or she shall use his or her best efforts to see that the laws and City ordinances are enforced and that the duties of all subordinate officers are faithfully performed. He or […]