§ 20.1. Membership and duties (a) The Mayor, the President of the Board of Aldermen, and the City Treasurer shall constitute the Board of Finance; the Mayor shall be Chair. (b) The Board of Finance shall establish, and each department shall adopt, such system of accounting and auditing for each department of the City government […]
§ 20.2. Custody of public buildings (a) The Board of Finance shall also have the care and control of all public buildings not specifically in charge of any other department of the City. They shall appoint such janitors or employ such persons as may be required for the proper care of the buildings, and may […]
§ 20.3. Records The Board of Finance shall cause full and accurate records of all meetings thereof and all business transacted by the Board to be kept by the Clerk of the Board. The records and books of the Board shall be public records. The Board shall monthly submit to the Board of Aldermen a […]