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Home » US Law » 2022 Vermont Statutes » Title 24 Appendix - Municipal Charters » Chapter 901 - Central Vermont Public Safety Authority

App § 30. Invoice

§ 30. Invoice After adoption of the budget for the ensuing fiscal year, the Authority shall deliver an invoice to each member for its share of the net cost of operating the Authority, accompanied by its budget estimates for the next two years. (Added 2013, No. M-17 (Adj. Sess.), § 2, eff. May 20, 2014.)

App § 31. Collection

§ 31. Collection (a) Annually, on or before July 1, the Treasurer shall issue and present a warrant to the legislative body of each member requiring that the amount of such assessment be paid beginning in accordance with the schedule of payments adopted by the Board. (b) The legislative body of each member shall draw […]

App § 32. Limitations of appropriations

§ 32. Limitations of appropriations (a) Appropriations made by the Board for the various estimates of the budget as defined in section 30 of this chapter shall be expended only for such estimates; however, by majority vote of the Board, the budget may be amended from time to time to transfer funds between or among […]

App § 33. Indebtedness

§ 33. Indebtedness (a) Short-term borrowing. (1) The Board may borrow money through the issuance of notes of the Authority for the purpose of paying current expenses of the Authority. Such notes must mature within one year. (2) The Board may also borrow money in anticipation of assessment to each member in an amount not […]

App § 34. Sinking fund

§ 34. Sinking fund (a) The Board may establish and provide for a sinking fund for the retirement of bond issue or other debt, or to provide security for the payment thereof. (b) When so established, the sinking fund shall be kept intact and separate from other monies at the disposal of the Authority, and […]

App § 35. Capital reserve fund

§ 35. Capital reserve fund (a) The Board may establish and provide for a capital reserve fund to pay for public improvements, replacement of worn-out buildings and equipment, and major repairs of Authority facilities. (b) Any such capital reserve fund shall be kept in a separate account and invested as are other public funds and […]

App § 36. Special Authority meetings

§ 36. Special Authority meetings (a) The Board may on its own motion call special meetings of the Authority and shall call a special meeting of the Authority when action by the voters of the Authority is required. (b) The Board shall call a special meeting of the Authority if petitioned to do so by […]

App § 37. Places of meetings

§ 37. Places of meetings At any annual and special meeting of the Authority, voters of each member shall cast their ballots at such polling places within the municipality of their residence as shall be determined by the Board in consultation with the board of civil authority of each municipality. (Added 2013, No. M-17 (Adj. […]

App § 38. Public hearings

§ 38. Public hearings (a) No fewer than 30 nor more than 40 days prior to any annual or special meeting of the Authority, the Board shall hold at least one public hearing at which the issues to be voted upon at the annual or special meeting shall be presented for public comment. (b) Notice […]

App § 39. Warnings required

§ 39. Warnings required (a) The Board shall warn an annual or special meeting of the Authority by filing a notice with the clerk of each member and by posting or causing to be posted a notice in at least three public places in each municipality in the Authority no fewer than 30 nor more […]

App § 4. Sovereign immunity

§ 4. Sovereign immunity The Authority shall have the benefit of sovereign immunity to the same extent that a municipality of the State does. The Authority shall provide liability and other insurance for itself and the members of the Board. The Authority shall hold harmless and indemnify all members of the Board from all claims […]

App § 40. Signing of warning

§ 40. Signing of warning The original warning of any annual or special meeting of the Authority shall be signed by the Secretary and Chair of the Board. (Added 2013, No. M-17 (Adj. Sess.), § 2, eff. May 20, 2014.)

App § 41. Warning contents

§ 41. Warning contents The posted notification shall include the date, time, place, and nature of the meeting. It shall, by separate articles, specifically indicate the questions to be voted upon. (Added 2013, No. M-17 (Adj. Sess.), § 2, eff. May 20, 2014.)

App § 42. Australian ballot

§ 42. Australian ballot The Australian ballot system shall be used at all annual and special meetings of the Authority. (Added 2013, No. M-17 (Adj. Sess.), § 2, eff. May 20, 2014.)

App § 43. Qualifications and registration of voters

§ 43. Qualifications and registration of voters All legal voters of the members shall be legal voters of the Authority. The municipality shall post and revise checklists in the same manner as for municipal meetings prior to any Authority meeting. (Added 2013, No. M-17 (Adj. Sess.), § 2, eff. May 20, 2014.)

App § 44. Conduct of meetings

§ 44. Conduct of meetings (a) At all special meetings of the Authority, the provisions of Title 17 shall apply except where clearly inapplicable. (b) The Authority Secretary shall perform the functions assigned to the Secretary of State under that title. The Washington Unit of the Vermont Superior Court shall have jurisdiction over petitions for […]

App § 45. Reconsideration or rescission of vote

§ 45. Reconsideration or rescission of vote (a) A question voted on at any special meeting of the Authority shall not be submitted for reconsideration or rescission except at a subsequent special meeting duly warned for that purpose and called by the Board on its own motion or pursuant to a petition requesting such reconsideration […]

App § 46. Validation of Authority meetings

§ 46. Validation of Authority meetings (a) When any of the requirements as to notice or warning of a special Authority meeting have been omitted or not complied with, if the meeting and the business transacted is otherwise legal, the omission or noncompliance may be corrected and legalized by vote at a special meeting of […]

App § 47. Priority

§ 47. Priority When a special meeting of the Authority is called to act to incur bonded or other indebtedness or to enter into a long-term contract and the meeting procedures in this chapter conflict with the procedures in 24 V.S.A. chapter 53, subchapter 1, the procedures in 24 V.S.A. chapter 53, subchapter 1 shall […]

App § 48. Withdrawal of a municipality

§ 48. Withdrawal of a municipality (a)(1) Subject to the provisions of subsection (b) of this section, a member may vote to withdraw from this chapter in the same manner as it votes to adopt the chapter if three years have elapsed since the Authority has become a body politic and corporate and if the […]