§ 4000. Statutory purposes
§ 4000. Statutory purposes The statutory purpose of the exemption for housing authorities in section 4020 of this title is to promote, provide, and preserve affordable housing. (Added 2013, No. 200 (Adj. Sess.), § 13.)
§ 4000. Statutory purposes The statutory purpose of the exemption for housing authorities in section 4020 of this title is to promote, provide, and preserve affordable housing. (Added 2013, No. 200 (Adj. Sess.), § 13.)
§ 4001. Declaration of policy It is hereby declared: (1) That there exists in the State unsanitary or unsafe dwelling accommodations and that persons of low income are forced to reside in such unsanitary or unsafe accommodations; that within the State there is a shortage of safe or sanitary dwelling accommodations available at rents that […]
§ 4002. Definitions The following terms, wherever used or referred to in this chapter, shall have the following respective meanings, unless a different meaning clearly appears from the context: (1) “Authority” or “housing authority” shall mean any of the public corporations created by section 4003 of this title, and the Vermont State Housing Authority created […]
§ 4003. Housing authority; establishment (a) In each municipality there is hereby created a public body corporate and politic to be known as the housing authority; provided, however, that such authority shall not transact any business or exercise its power under this chapter, until or unless the governing body of the municipality by proper resolution […]
§ 4004. Housing authority, members, powers (a) When the governing body of a municipality, other than a town, adopts a resolution pursuant to section 4003 of this chapter, it shall promptly notify the mayor of such adoption. Upon receiving such notice, the mayor shall appoint five persons as commissioners of the authority created for said […]
§ 4005. Vermont State Housing Authority; establishment, members, powers (a) The Vermont State Housing Authority is created. It is referred to in this chapter as the “State Authority.” It is a public body corporate and politic of perpetual duration and shall consist of seven commissioners. (b) The Governor, with the advice and consent of the […]
§ 4006. Disqualification (a) During his or her tenure, no commissioner or employee of an authority shall acquire any direct or indirect ownership interest in any housing project or in any property included or planned to be included in any project, nor shall he or she acquire any direct or indirect interest in any contract […]
§ 4007. Removal For inefficiency or neglect of duty or misconduct in office, a commissioner of an authority may be removed by the mayor (or in the case of an authority of a town, by the governing body of said town) or in the case of the State Authority, by the Governor, but a commissioner […]
§ 4008. Powers An authority shall constitute a public body, corporate and politic, exercising public and essential governmental functions, and having all the powers necessary or convenient to carry out and effectuate the purposes and provisions of this chapter, including the following powers in addition to those herein granted: (1) To sue and be sued; […]
§ 4009. Rentals It is hereby declared to be the policy of this State that each housing authority shall manage and operate its housing projects in an efficient manner so as to enable it to fix the rentals for dwelling accommodations at the lowest possible rates consistent with providing decent, safe, and sanitary dwelling accommodations […]
§ 4010. Duties (a) In the operation of or management of housing projects an authority shall at all times observe the following duties with respect to rentals and tenant selection: (1) It may rent or lease the dwelling accommodations therein only to persons of low income or elders who are of low income, or both. […]
§ 4011. Joint action Any two or more authorities may join or cooperate with one another in the exercise of any or all of the powers conferred by this chapter for the purpose of financing, planning, undertaking, constructing, or operating a housing project or projects located within the area of operation of any one or […]
§ 4012. Eminent domain; exemption of property from execution (a) An authority shall have the right to acquire by the exercise of the power of eminent domain any real property that it may deem necessary for its purposes under this chapter after the adoption by it of a resolution declaring that the acquisition of the […]
§ 4013. Zoning All housing projects of an authority shall be subject to the planning, zoning, sanitary, and building laws, ordinances, and regulations applicable to the locality in which the housing project is situated. In the planning and location of any housing project, an authority shall take into consideration the relationship of the project to […]
§ 4014. Bonds, issuance of (a) An authority shall have power to issue bonds from time to time in its discretion, for any of its corporate purposes. An authority shall also have power to issue refunding bonds for the purpose of paying or retiring bonds issued previously by it. (b) Neither the commissioners of an […]
§ 4015. Bonds authorized; conversion privileges (a) Bonds of an authority shall be authorized by its resolution and may be issued in one or more series and shall bear such date or dates, mature at such time or times, bear interest at such rate or rates, be in such denomination or denominations, be in such […]
§ 4016. Bonds, powers, covenants In connection with the issuance of bonds, or the incurring of obligations under leases and in order to secure the payment of such bonds or obligations, an authority, in addition to its other powers, shall have power: (1) To pledge all or any part of its gross or net rents, […]
§ 4017. Rights of obligees An obligee of an authority shall have the right in addition to all other rights which may be conferred upon such obligee, subject only to any contractual restrictions binding upon such obligee: (1) By suit, action, or proceeding to compel said authority and the commissioners, officers, agents, or employees thereof […]
§ 4018. Powers may be conferred on obligee An authority shall have power by its resolution, trust indenture, mortgage, lease, or other contract to confer upon any obligee holding or representing a specified amount in bonds, or holding a lease, the right, in addition to all rights that may be otherwise conferred, upon the happening […]
§ 4019. United States cooperation In addition to the powers conferred upon an authority by other provisions of this chapter, an authority is empowered to borrow money or accept grants or other financial assistance from the federal government for, or in aid of, any housing project within its area of operation, to take over or […]