US Lawyer Database

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§ 1931. Police officers

§ 1931. Police officers (a) The legislative body, and in its stead, the town manager, when appointed pursuant to chapter 37 of this title, of a municipality as defined in section 2001 of this title may establish a police department and appoint police officers and a chief of police who shall be a police officer. […]

§ 1932. Negligence of officer; suspension; hearing

§ 1932. Negligence of officer; suspension; hearing (a) Whenever it appears to the appointing authority by its own knowledge or when informed by a written petition signed by one or more responsible persons that any regular officer has become negligent or derelict in the officer’s official duty, or is guilty of conduct unbecoming an officer, […]

§ 1933. Policy

§ 1933. Policy The provisions of sections 1931-1934 of this title affecting the tenure of such regular police officers and their removal from office shall apply to the chief of police. Such sections shall not apply to any police officer until he or she shall have served continuously for one year. Such sections shall not […]

§ 1934. Construction

§ 1934. Construction Notwithstanding any contrary provisions in any municipal charter, the provisions of sections 1931-1933 of this title shall control, unless a municipality has charter provisions providing for tenure of police officers during good behavior with removal only after hearing and for cause.

§ 1935. Powers

§ 1935. Powers Police officers who are employed by a police department established under this chapter or pursuant to charter shall have the same powers as sheriffs in criminal matters and the enforcement of the law and the same powers, immunities, and matters of defense in serving criminal and civil process. The powers granted to […]

§ 1936. Special police officers; qualifications

§ 1936. Special police officers; qualifications (a) If the legislative body of a municipality does not establish a police department or appoint a chief of police, temporary police officers appointed pursuant to subsection 1931(a) of this title shall serve under the direction of the legislative body. (b) Persons appointed as law enforcement officers under the […]

§ 1936a. Constables; powers and qualifications

§ 1936a. Constables; powers and qualifications (a) A town may vote at a special or annual town meeting to prohibit constables from exercising any law enforcement authority. (b) Notwithstanding the provisions of subsection (a) of this section, constables may perform the following duties: (1) the service of civil or criminal process, under 12 V.S.A. § […]

§ 1937. Reciprocal assistance agreements

§ 1937. Reciprocal assistance agreements (a) A reciprocal assistance agreement may be entered into between: (1) the chief law enforcement officer of a municipality in a county of this State adjacent to a neighboring state, or the sheriff of such a county; and (2) the chief law enforcement officer of a municipality in an adjacent […]

§ 1938. Intermunicipal police services; purpose; agreements

§ 1938. Intermunicipal police services; purpose; agreements (a) Cities, towns, incorporated villages, the University of Vermont, sheriffs, and State agencies may enter into agreements to provide for intermunicipal police services. Intermunicipal police services include general police services, emergency planning and assistance, task forces, and other specialized investigative units to provide police services within the boundaries […]

§ 1940. Special investigative units; boards; grants

§ 1940. Special investigative units; boards; grants (a) Pursuant to the authority established under section 1938 of this title, and in collaboration with law enforcement agencies, investigative agencies, victims’ advocates, and social service providers, the Department of State’s Attorneys and Sheriffs shall coordinate efforts to provide access in each region of the State to special […]

§ 1943. Animal Cruelty Investigation Advisory Board

§ 1943. Animal Cruelty Investigation Advisory Board (a) Board. An Animal Cruelty Investigation Advisory Board is created within the Department of Public Safety to advise the Governor, the General Assembly, and the Commissioner of Public Safety on issues involving the cooperation and coordination of all agencies that exercise animal welfare responsibilities. (b) Membership. (1) The […]