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Home » US Law » 2022 Vermont Statutes » Title 24 - Municipal and County Government » Chapter 71 - Ambulance Services » Subchapter 2: LICENSING OPERATION OF AFFILIATED AGENCIES

§ 2681. License required; ambulance license requirement

§ 2681. License required; ambulance license requirement (a) A person furnishing ambulance services or first responder services shall obtain a license to furnish services under this subchapter. (b)(1) In order to obtain and maintain a license, an ambulance service shall be required to provide its services in a manner that does not discriminate on the […]

§ 2682. Powers of the Department of Health

§ 2682. Powers of the Department of Health (a) The Department of Health shall administer this subchapter and shall have power to: (1) Issue licenses for ambulance services and first responder services under this subchapter. (2) Revoke or suspend upon due notice and opportunity for hearing the license of any person who violates or fails […]

§ 2683. Term of license

§ 2683. Term of license Full licenses shall be issued on forms to be prescribed by the Department of Health for a period of three years beginning on January 1 or for the balance of any such three-year period. Temporary, conditional, or provisional licenses may also be issued by the Department. (Added 1969, No. 112, […]

§ 2684. Penalty

§ 2684. Penalty A person who violates this subchapter shall be subject to a civil fine of not more than $200.00. (Added 1969, No. 112, § 1, eff. April 22, 1969; amended 1983, No. 226 (Adj. Sess.), § 10.)

§ 2685. Liability for cost of services

§ 2685. Liability for cost of services A person who receives emergency medical treatment from an ambulance or first responder service or transportation by an ambulance service shall be liable in contract to the person providing such services for the reasonable and necessary cost of the services, whether or not he or she has agreed […]

§ 2686. False requests for ambulance service or first responder service

§ 2686. False requests for ambulance service or first responder service A person shall be guilty of a misdemeanor if he or she requests ambulance or first responder service from a person or organization engaged in providing such service without actual need for such service, knowing that the request is false or baseless. A person […]

§ 2687. Civil liability limited

§ 2687. Civil liability limited Volunteer personnel, whether or not they receive or expect to receive nominal payments and reimbursement for expenses, who render emergency medical treatment shall: (1) be afforded the protection of 12 V.S.A. § 519; (2) not be considered practitioners of the healing arts for purposes of 12 V.S.A. § 519(b); and […]

§ 2688. Armed forces

§ 2688. Armed forces The provisions of this chapter shall not apply to the U.S. Armed Forces or the Vermont National Guard or their respective personnel while serving in such capacity. (Added 1983, No. 226 (Adj. Sess.), § 14.)

§ 2689. Reimbursement for ambulance service providers

§ 2689. Reimbursement for ambulance service providers (a)(1) When an ambulance service provides emergency medical treatment to a person who is insured by a health insurance policy, plan, or contract that provides benefits for emergency medical treatment, the health insurer shall reimburse the ambulance service directly, subject to the terms and conditions of the health […]