§ 3901. Findings and purpose (a) Recognizing that the economic well-being and social equity of every Vermonter has long been a fundamental concern of the State, it remains evident that poverty continues to be the lot of a substantial number of Vermont’s population. It is the policy of this State to help develop the full […]
§ 3902. Office of Economic Opportunity (a) The Director of the Office of Economic Opportunity is hereby authorized to allocate available financial assistance for community services agencies and programs in accordance with State and federal law and regulation. (b) The Director may provide financial assistance to community services agencies for the planning, conduct, administration and […]
§ 3903. Designation of agencies to provide services and activities to ameliorate or eliminate poverty The Director shall designate private nonprofit community based organizations who have demonstrated or who can demonstrate the ability to provide services and activities as defined in subsection 3902(b) of this title as community services agencies. (Added 1981, No. 173 (Adj. […]
§ 3904. Community Services Agency Plan Each designated community services agency shall determine the need for activities and services within the area served by the agency and shall thereafter prepare a community services plan which describes the method by which the agency will provide those services. The plan shall include a schedule for the anticipated […]
§ 3905. Community services agencies; administration (a) Each community services agency shall administer its programs as set out in the community services plan and as approved by its board of directors. (b) Each board of a nonprofit community based organization that is designated a community services agency under section 3903 of this chapter shall have […]