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Home » US Law » 2022 Vermont Statutes » Title 4 - Judiciary » Chapter 25 - Jury Commission

§ 952. Rules of Court Administrator

§ 952. Rules of Court Administrator (a) The Court Administrator, subject to the approval of the Supreme Court, shall make rules regarding the qualifications, lists, and selection of all jurors and prepare questionnaires for prospective jurors. Each Superior Court clerk shall, in conformity with the rules, prepare a list of jurors from residents of its […]

§ 953. Sources of names

§ 953. Sources of names (a) The clerk, in order to ascertain names of persons eligible as jurors, may consult the latest census enumeration, the latest published city, town, or village telephone or other directory, the listers’ records, the elections records, and any other general source of names. (b) Notwithstanding any law to the contrary, […]

§ 954. Deposit of list

§ 954. Deposit of list Prior to the first day of July in each biennial year, the clerk shall prepare and file a current master list of jurors and certify its completion and filing to the Court Administrator. The current master lists shall contain the number of names necessary adequately to serve the needs of […]

§ 955. Questionnaire

§ 955. Questionnaire The clerk shall send a jury questionnaire prepared by the Court Administrator to each person selected. When returned, it shall be retained in the Office of the Superior Court Clerk. Pursuant to section 952 of this title, the Court Administrator shall promulgate rules governing the inspection and availability of the juror questionnaires […]

§ 956. Contents of list

§ 956. Contents of list Names may be added or dropped from the jury list in accordance with rules issued by the Court Administrator under section 952 of this title. (Added 1967, No. 284 (Adj. Sess.), § 1.)

§ 957. Drawing and summoning jurors

§ 957. Drawing and summoning jurors The manner of drawing and summoning jurors from the lists provided shall be in accordance with the rules of the court in which they are called to serve and all applicable statutes, including section 952 of this title, requiring that the panel shall be representative of the citizens of […]

§ 958. Nonappearance; penalty

§ 958. Nonappearance; penalty A juror who does not appear after being summoned, and does not submit an excuse satisfactory to the court in which the juror was summoned to appear, shall be assessed a civil penalty by the presiding judge of not more than $200.00. The prospective juror may be excused from paying the […]

§ 959. Grand jurors; venire

§ 959. Grand jurors; venire The clerk, as directed by the judges of each Superior Court, shall summon 18 judicious persons within the unit to appear at any stated or special term of that court to serve as grand jurors of the unit. The clerk of the court shall issue a venire accordingly. (Added 1967, […]

§ 961. Failure to return form; misrepresentation; penalties

§ 961. Failure to return form; misrepresentation; penalties (a) Any person who fails to return a completed questionnaire within 14 days of its receipt may be summoned by the Superior Court clerk to appear forthwith before the clerk to fill out a jury questionnaire. Any person so summoned who fails to appear as directed shall […]

§ 962. Qualifications; excuse from service

§ 962. Qualifications; excuse from service (a) A person shall be qualified for jury service if the person: (1) is a citizen of the United States who has attained the age of majority; (2) resides within the geographical jurisdiction of the court in which called to serve; (3) is able to read, write, understand, and […]

§ 963. Term of service

§ 963. Term of service A person summoned to petit jury service shall not appear before the court for jury selection more than three times in any two-year period of time and shall be required to appear at the courthouse to serve as a juror on the date of trial no more than three times […]