§ 13201. Initial capital deposits; capital reserves (a) The initial capital deposits required under section 13105 of this title for commencing business shall be paid into an account of the institution known as the “capital reserve” account. (b) The institution shall record on its books the amount which each capital depositor has contributed to such […]
§ 13202. Return of initial capital deposit The initial capital deposits, together with any dividends or interest credited thereon, may be returned, pro rata, to the contributors, or their heirs, executors, administrators, or assigns, subject to the following conditions and limitations: (1) Prior to return of all or part of the initial capital reserve, the […]
§ 13203. Capital notes or debentures as capital reserve Subject to prior approval of the Commissioner, a financial institution may issue capital notes or debentures, the proceeds from the sale of which may be used in lieu of capital deposits to establish part of the capital reserve required in section 13201 of this title, provided […]