(a) The term "board" as used in this article shall mean any county court, municipal corporation or county board of education in the State of West Virginia; (b) the term "athletic establishment" shall be construed to mean and include athletic fields of all types, stadiums, gymnasiums, field houses, and all other types of athletic establishments […]
Funds for the payment of all or such part of the costs of such athletic establishment as may be determined by the board, shall be provided by the issuance of revenue bonds of such board. Such bonds shall be payable solely from the special fund herein provided for such payment; and such bonds shall not […]
Such revenue bonds shall bear interest at not more than six per cent per annum, payable annually or at shorter intervals, and shall mature at such time or times not exceeding thirty years from the date thereof, as may be determined by resolution of the board. Such bonds may be made redeemable before maturity, at […]
No member of any board or any committee appointed by such board hereunder shall in any event be personally liable upon any contract or obligation of any kind or character executed under the authority contained in this article, even if said undertaking should hereafter be held ultra vires.
Any board may provide by the resolution authorizing the issuance of the bonds or in the trust indenture hereinafter referred to, that additional bonds may thereafter be authorized and issued at one time, or from time to time, under such limitations and restrictions as may be set forth in said resolution or trust indenture, for […]
All moneys received from the sale of any bonds issued pursuant to this article, after reimbursements and repayments to said board of all amounts advanced for preliminary expenses, as provided in section five of this article, shall be applied solely to the payment of the costs of the athletic establishment, or to the appurtenant sinking […]
In the discretion and at the option of the board such bonds may be secured by a trust indenture by and between the board and a corporate trustee which may be a trust company or bank having powers of a trust company within or without the State of West Virginia, but no such trust indenture […]
At or before the issuance of any such bonds, the board shall, by resolution, provide for a sinking fund for the payment of the bonds and the interest thereon, and the payment of the charges of banks or trust companies for making payment of such bonds, and interest, out of the net revenues of said […]
The board shall have the power and it shall be its duty, by resolution to establish and maintain just and equitable charges and rentals as the case may be, for the use of such athletic establishment, and may readjust, amend and modify such charges and rentals from time to time. Such charges and rentals shall […]
Any board issuing revenue bonds under the provisions of this article, shall install and maintain a proper system of accounting showing the amount of revenue received and the application of same and the board shall, at least once a year, cause such accounts to be properly audited by a competent Auditor and the report of […]
The board shall be subject to the same charges and rentals established as hereinbefore provided, or to charges and rentals established in harmony therewith, for the use of such athletic establishment, and shall pay such charges and rentals, when due, from corporate funds, and the same shall be deemed to be a part of the […]
Every county court, municipal corporation or county board of education in the State of West Virginia is hereby authorized and empowered to establish, construct, acquire, extend, equip and own, maintain and operate any of the athletic establishments described in section one of this article, together with all appurtenances necessary, useful or convenient for the maintenance […]
The board may, in its discretion, provide by resolution that the custody, administration, operation and maintenance of such athletic establishment shall be under the supervision and control of a committee as provided by section three hereof, and in such case, the board may provide by resolution for said committee to exercise such of the functions […]
In the event bonds issued hereunder are not secured by a trust indenture as provided for in section fifteen of this article, there shall be, and there is hereby, created a statutory mortgage lien upon such athletic establishment acquired or constructed under the provisions of this article, which shall exist in favor of the holder […]
No property shall be acquired under this article upon which any lien or other encumbrance exists, unless at the time such property is acquired a sufficient sum of money, derived from the sale of bonds issued hereunder or otherwise, be deposited in trust to pay and redeem such lien or encumbrance in full.
Any holder of any such bonds or any of the coupons attached thereto, and the trustee, if any, except to the extent that the rights herein given may be restricted by the resolution authorizing issuance of the bonds or by the trust indenture, may either at law or in equity, by suit, action, mandamus, or […]
The authority herein given shall be in addition to and not in derogation of any power existing in any board under any Constitutional, statutory or other provisions of the law which it now may have or may hereafter acquire.
This article shall, without reference to any other statute, be deemed full authority for the construction, acquisition, improvement, equipment, maintenance, operation and repair of the athletic establishment herein provided for, and for the issuance and sale of bonds by this article authorized, and shall be construed as an additional alternative method therefor, and for the […]
This article being for the public health, safety, and welfare, shall be liberally construed to effectuate the purposes thereof.
Any county court, municipal corporation and Board of Education, or any two of them, may jointly establish and conduct such athletic establishment and may exercise all the powers given by this article. In the event of any such joint establishment and operation, they may provide by agreement among themselves for all matters connected with such […]