The construction, acquisition, improvement, extension, equipment, custody, operation and maintenance of any such athletic establishment, and the collection of revenues therefrom, shall be under the supervision and control of the county court, municipal corporation or county board of education, or all or any part of such powers, duties and responsibilities may be placed in a […]
The board shall have power to take all steps and proceedings, and to make and enter into all contracts or agreements necessary or incidental to the performance of its duties and the execution of its powers under this article: Provided, That any contract relating to the financing or the acquisition, construction, extension or improvement of […]
All necessary preliminary expenses actually incurred by the board in the making of surveys, estimates of costs and of revenues, employment of engineers or other employees, the giving of notices, taking of options, and all other expenses of whatsoever nature necessary to be paid prior to the issue, sale and delivery of the revenue bonds […]
Before any board shall construct, acquire, improve, extend or equip any athletic establishment under this article, the board shall adopt a resolution which shall (a) set forth a brief general description of the athletic establishment, and if the same is to be constructed a reference to the preliminary report or plans and specifications which shall […]
Every such board shall have power to condemn any land or easements, necessary or convenient for the construction of any such athletic establishment, or extensions, improvements or additions thereto, and in connection therewith shall have and may exercise all the rights, powers and privileges of eminent domain granted to county courts, municipal corporations or county […]
Whenever any board now or hereafter, shall own and operate any athletic establishment as herein defined, whether acquired or constructed under the provisions of this article or not, and shall desire to construct improvements, enlargements and extensions thereto, or acquire or construct better equipment for the same, it may issue revenue bonds under the provisions […]
The cost of the athletic establishment shall be deemed to include the cost of the acquisition or construction and equipment thereof, the cost of all property and easements deemed necessary or convenient therefor; interest upon bonds prior to and during construction or acquisition and for six months after completion of construction or acquisition; engineering and […]