(a) The Department of Revenue and the office of secretary of revenue are continued in the executive branch of state government. Wherever in this code the words “office of secretary of tax and revenue” or “secretary of tax and revenue” are used, such words shall mean the office of secretary of revenue or the secretary […]
(a) There shall be in the Department of Revenue the following agencies, boards, commissions, divisions and offices, including all of the allied, advisory, affiliated or related entities which are incorporated in and shall be administered as part of the Department of Revenue: (1) The Alcohol Beverage Control Commissioner provided for in article sixteen, chapter eleven […]
(a) The secretary shall have control and supervision of the Department of Revenue and shall be responsible for the work of each of its employees. (b) The secretary shall have the power and authority specified in this article and article two, chapter five-f of this code and as specified elsewhere in this code, whether heretofore […]
The secretary shall make an annual report to the Governor concerning the conduct of the department and the administration of the budget. The secretary shall also make other reports as the Governor may require. Copies of any such reports shall be submitted to the Legislature in the manner required by 5-1-20 of this code.
The secretary may delegate powers and duties vested in the secretary to his or her assistants and employees, but the secretary shall be responsible for all official acts of the department.
(a) Information provided to secretary under expectation of confidentiality. — Information that would be confidential under the laws of this state when provided to a division, agency, board, commission or office within the Department of Revenue shall be confidential when that information is provided to the secretary of the Department of Revenue or to an […]
Upon occasion of a showing that the application of the authority vested under the provisions of this article may interfere with the successful functioning of any department, institution or agency of the government, that department, institution or agency has the right of appeal to the Governor for review of the case and the decision or […]
(a) Legislative findings and intent. — (1) The Tax Division of the Department of Revenue has approximately one hundred vacancies. The Legislature finds that the division has long had difficulty filling positions which are essential to efficiently and effectively administering, collecting and enforcing the tax laws of this state. The Legislature finds that, to address […]