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§15A-4-1. Applicability of Article

(a) Except as otherwise provided herein, the provisions of this article relate to adult inmates housed in jails, prisons, and correctional facilities, and do not apply to juvenile residents housed in juvenile centers. (b) Where reference in this article is made to the “division”, it shall mean the Division of Corrections and Rehabilitation.

§15A-4-10. Inmate or Resident Benefit Funds

(a) The commissioner shall establish an inmate, or resident, benefit fund for each of the institutions under his or her jurisdiction. The inmate, or resident, benefit fund is a fund held by the institutions for the benefit and welfare of inmates incarcerated, or juveniles placed in facilities under the jurisdiction of the commissioner, and for […]

§15A-4-13. Charges Assessed Against Inmates for Services Provided by State

(a) The commissioner is authorized to assess inmates serving a sentence in any state jail, penal, or correctional facility reasonable charges for health care and treatment services provided to them by the state. The charges assessed against an inmate may be deducted directly from the inmate’s trustee account without the inmate’s consent. The inmate shall […]

§15A-4-14. Record of Inmate or Resident

The commissioner shall file and preserve the record of the indictment and conviction, in the case of an adult, or the charges and adjudication, in the case of a juvenile, of each inmate or resident, and keep a register describing him or her, the term of his or her confinement, for what offense, and when […]

§15A-4-16. Gifts to or Dealings With Inmate or Resident

No officer or employee of the state, or contractor, or employee of a contractor shall make any gift or present to an inmate or resident, or receive any from an inmate or resident, or have any barter or dealings with a convict, except as allowed and permitted by the commissioner. For every violation of this […]

§15A-4-17. Deduction From Sentence for Good Conduct; Mandatory Supervision

(a) All adult inmates placed in the custody of the Commissioner of the Division of Corrections and Rehabilitation pursuant to a term of court-ordered incarceration for a misdemeanor or felony, except those committed pursuant to 25-4-1 et seq. and 62-12-26 of this code, shall be granted commutation from their sentences for good conduct in accordance […]

§15A-4-2. Furlough Programs

(a) The commissioner may establish a furlough program for inmates committed to his or her custody for a felony offense. The program may provide that selected inmates be permitted to reside outside an institution operated by the division pursuant to legislative rules promulgated pursuant to §29A-3-1 et seq. of this code. (b) The commissioner, or […]

§15A-4-20. Work Program

(a) The commissioner is authorized to establish at each institution a work program for qualified inmates. The commissioner shall establish guidelines and qualifications to allow inmates sentenced to a regional jail facility to be gainfully employed with local businesses and governmental entities as part of a job program. A qualified inmate does not include an […]

§15A-4-21. Director of Employment; Director of Housing; Released Inmates; Duties

The commissioner may employ or contract for a Director of Employment and a Director of Housing for released inmates. The Director of Employment shall work with federal, state, county, and local government and private entities to negotiate agreements which facilitate employment opportunities for released inmates. The Director of Housing shall work with federal, state, county, […]

§15A-4-3. Electronic Monitoring of Offenders; Special Account

(a) The commissioner may use electronic monitoring equipment to aid in the supervision of offenders. (b) The commissioner shall charge offenders subject to supervision by means of electronic monitoring equipment a reasonable fee, to be established under a legislative rule proposed by the commissioner for legislative authorization pursuant to §29A-3-1 et seq. of this code, […]

§15A-4-4. Diagnostic and Classification Divisions

(a) The commissioner may continue and establish diagnostic and classification subdivisions. (b) Notwithstanding any provision of this code to the contrary, all persons committed to the custody of the division for presentence diagnosis and classification, and all persons sentenced to the custody of the division shall, upon transfer to the division, undergo diagnosis and classification, […]

§15A-4-5. Transfer of Inmates of State Institutions or Facilities

(a) The commissioner shall have authority to cause the transfer of any inmate from any facility under his or her control to any other state or federal institution or facility which is better equipped for the care or treatment of the inmate, or for other good cause or reason. (b) Whenever an inmate committed to […]