The right of a person to any benefit provided for in this article shall not be subject to execution, attachment, garnishment, the operation of bankruptcy or insolvency laws, or other process whatsoever, nor shall any assignment thereof be enforceable in any court except that the benefits or contributions under this system shall be subject to […]
Any person who knowingly makes any false statement or who falsifies or permits to be falsified any record of the retirement system in any attempt to defraud that system is guilty of a misdemeanor and, upon conviction thereof, shall be punished by a fine not to exceed 1,000, by confinement in jail not to exceed […]
Any term used in this article has the same meaning as when used in a comparable context in the laws of the United States, unless a different meaning is clearly required. Any reference in this article to the Internal Revenue Code means the Internal Revenue Code of 1986, as amended.
(a) Any member who has previously served on active military duty is entitled to receive additional years of service for the purpose of determining his or her years of credited service for a period equal to the active military duty not to exceed five years, subject to the following: (1) That he or she has […]
Any county commission, or political subdivision, or county 911 public safety answering point employing emergency medical services officers or 911 personnel may by a three-fifths vote of its governing body, or by a majority vote of its electors, elect to become a participating public employer and thereby include its emergency medical services officers and 911 […]
(a) The provisions of this article become effective January 1, 2008: Provided, That no payout of any benefits may be made to any person prior to January 1, 2011: Provided, however, That emergency medical services officers who retire due to a duty disability pursuant to this article may begin receiving the benefits at the rate […]
No county which has timely met all of its obligations under this article is liable for any payments or contributions to the emergency medical services retirement plan which are owed to the plan by another county or counties.
If the retirement system is terminated or contributions are completely discontinued, the rights of all members to benefits accrued or contributions made to the date of the termination or discontinuance, to the extent then funded, are not forfeited.
The annuity of any member who retires under the provisions of this article and who resumes service in covered employment shall be suspended while the member continues in covered employment. The monthly annuity payment for the month in which the service resumes shall be pro-rated to the date of commencement of service, and the member […]
There is hereby created the West Virginia Emergency Medical Services Retirement System. The purpose of this system is to provide for the orderly retirement of emergency medical services officers who become superannuated because of age or permanent disability and to provide certain survivor death benefits, and it is contemplated that substantially all of the members […]
(a) The provisions of this article shall be liberally construed so as to provide a general retirement system for emergency medical services officers eligible to retire under the provisions of this plan. Nothing in this article may be construed to permit a county to substitute this plan for federal social security now in force in […]
(a) Any emergency medical services officer first employed by a county or political subdivision in covered employment after the effective date of this article or 911 personnel hired on or after July 1, 2022, by a participating public employer shall be a member of this retirement plan as a condition of employment and upon membership […]
(a) Notwithstanding any other provision of this article to the contrary, a person employed as a county firefighter may be a member of this retirement plan subject to the provisions of this section. Full-time employment as a county firefighter satisfies the definition of “covered employment” as defined in this article. (b) Any county firefighter first […]
(a) The Consolidated Public Retirement Board shall, within one hundred eighty days of January 1, 2023, transfer assets from the Public Employees Retirement System Trust Fund into the West Virginia Emergency Medical Services Trust Fund. (b) The amount of assets to be transferred for each transferring county firefighter shall be computed as of January 1, […]
(a) There is hereby created the "West Virginia Emergency Medical Services Retirement Fund" for the benefit of the members of the retirement system created pursuant to this article and the dependents of any deceased or retired member of the system. (b) All moneys paid into and accumulated in the fund, except amounts designated by the […]
(a) There shall be deducted from the monthly salary of each member and paid into the fund an amount equal to eight and one-half percent of his or her monthly salary. An additional amount shall be paid to the fund by the county commission or political subdivision in which the member is employed in covered […]
(a) General rule: Upon learning of any errors, the board shall correct errors in the retirement system in a timely manner whether the individual, entity or board was at fault for the error with the intent of placing the affected individual, entity and retirement board in the position each would have been in had the […]
(a) The Consolidated Public Retirement Board shall, within one hundred eighty days of the effective date of the transfer of an emergency medical services officer from the Public Employees Retirement System to the plan, transfer assets from the Public Employees Retirement System Trust Fund into the West Virginia Emergency Medical Services Trust Fund. (b) Except […]