The West Virginia University, heretofore established and located at Morgantown, in Monongalia county, shall be continued, and shall be known as "West Virginia University." The business and educational affairs of the university shall be under the control, supervision and management of the board of Governors, which shall be a corporation, and as such may contract […]
The board of Governors is hereby authorized and empowered to organize and conduct, through the organization of the different colleges, schools and departments of the university, extension work and off-campus work in the form of schools, classes, lectures, and other forms of instruction, throughout the state. Enrollment, tuition and other fees collected from students enrolled […]
The board of Governors is hereby authorized and empowered to continue the operation and maintenance of any graduate centers it has heretofore established, either by itself or in cooperation with other universities or colleges, and to establish, maintain and operate such other graduate centers either by itself or in cooperation with other universities or colleges, […]
The "4-H" camp institute and state exhibit of boys' and girls' club work, heretofore established at Jackson's Mill, in Lewis county, shall be continued for the purpose of teaching boys and girls the "4-H" standards of living and to inspire them to lift themselves toward these standards, and to discover and train boys and girls […]
The state commissioner of public institutions is hereby authorized and empowered to construct and maintain dormitories for the use of students at the West Virginia University, and for such purpose the board is further authorized and empowered to lease to a nonprofit sharing corporation so much of the land owned by the state, and used […]
The control of the financial, business and all other affairs of the West Virginia University and of Potomac State School is hereby transferred from the state board of control to the board of Governors. The board of Governors shall, in respect to the control, management and property of such institutions, have the same rights and […]
In addition to the authority conferred upon the board of Governors, by virtue of the preceding section, with respect to the issuance of revenue bonds to finance the construction of dormitories, homes or refectories for teachers and students at institutions under its control, the board, whenever the revenue from any such existing facility shall no […]
The president of the university shall be president of the general faculty and of the faculties of the several colleges and departments thereof, and the executive head of the university in all its departments. Subject to the authority vested by this chapter in the board of Governors, he shall give general direction to the administrative […]
The board of Governors of the West Virginia University shall fix the salaries of the president of the university, athletic director, head football coach and all assistant football coaches at said university.
Any state, county or other official, except the state historian and archivist, who is the lawful custodian thereof may turn over to the division of documents, West Virginia University, with its consent, as custodian, for permanent preservation and record any official books, records, documents, original papers, or files, or any printed books, records, documents, or […]
The board of Governors is authorized to establish a four- year medical course for students of the university, such course to be conducted in accordance with rules and regulations made by the president and the faculty of the college of medicine, and approved by the board as provided in this article. The entire course may […]
For the purpose of promoting and financing scientific and other research at West Virginia University, the contractual research revolving fund heretofore created as a special fund in the State Treasury shall be continued. The fund shall be administered by the board of Governors as follows: (1) The moneys in the fund shall be used first […]
In order to promote technical scientific investigation, research, experimentation and education, and to encourage the development of patentable inventions by members of the faculty, associates and employees of the university, the board of Governors is hereby authorized to contract with any research foundation, firm, individual or agency for the procurement of patents on such inventions. […]
In addition to the provisions of section twenty-six, article twenty-six, chapter eighteen of this code, the board of regents may from time to time issue revenue bonds of the state as provided in this section to finance the construction of additional parking facilities or the acquisition by lease or purchase of additional parking areas and […]
On or before the end of each biennial period the president of the university shall make a report to the board of Governors and the state board of control, showing in detail the progress and condition of the university during such biennium, and such other detailed information about the affairs and the control of the […]
In consultation with the president of the university, the board of Governors shall have authority to establish and maintain in the university such colleges, schools, departments and divisions as from time to time may be expedient, and shall provide for the organization and management of the same. The board of Governors is hereby authorized and, […]
Notwithstanding other provisions of this code to the contrary, the board of Governors of West Virginia University is hereby authorized to contract for the planning, design, and construction of buildings and other physical facilities which are in its judgment suitable for the schools of medicine, dentistry and nursing, including the purchase and installation of necessary […]
All tuition fees collected at West Virginia University medical center from students in the schools of medicine, medical technology, dentistry, dental technology, nursing, and pharmacy, together with all special tuition and registration fees charged for postgraduate short courses, institutes, and seminars conducted by the medical center, shall be paid into the special medical school fund […]
The rules and regulations made by the president and faculties of the university governing the admission of students to the university, the standards of scholarship to be maintained, the conferring of degrees and the granting of diplomas, certificates, and other evidences of work done by students of the university, shall be submitted to the board […]
Whenever any employees of the board of Governors of West Virginia University shall be eligible to participate in any group insurance plan, the board shall have the authority to authorize such participation, and upon the written request of any participating employee, may make periodic deductions from salary payments due such employee of the amount of […]