The purpose of this chapter is to provide reasonable and effective means for the promotion of social and economic security by reducing as far as practicable the hazards of unemployment. In the furtherance of this objective, the Legislature establishes a compulsory system of unemployment reserves in order to: (1) Provide a measure of security to […]
This chapter may be cited as the "Unemployment Compensation Law."
(a) There is continued an agency designated Workforce West Virginia, composed of: (1) Division of Unemployment Compensation;
The bureau shall cooperate with the United States department of labor, similar agencies of the several states, and such other agencies as are concerned with the problem of employment security and public assistance and relief.
The bureau, through the commissioner and the advisory council, shall take all steps to: (1) Reduce and prevent unemployment.
The "state public employment agency" now maintained in the department of labor shall be transferred on January 1, 1937, and shall be made the state employment service division of the Bureau of Employment Programs.
Officers of the state and of its political subdivisions shall furnish to the commissioner upon his request such information relative to the purposes of this chapter as they may have in their possession.