This article may be cited as the Unemployment Insurance Program Integrity Act. For the purposes of this article the following terms shall have the following meanings, unless the context in which they are used clearly indicates otherwise: (1) “Division of Corrections and Rehabilitation” means the Division of Corrections and Rehabilitation, as defined in 15A-3-2 of […]
The commissioner shall, on a weekly basis, be required to: (a) Check the unemployment insurance rolls against the Division of Corrections and Rehabilitations list of imprisoned individuals to verify eligibility for unemployment benefits and ensure program integrity; (b) Check new hire records against the National Directory of New Hires to verify eligibility for unemployment benefits; […]
The commissioner shall have the authority to execute a memorandum of understanding with any department, agency, or division for information required to be shared between agencies outlined in this article.
If the bureau receives information concerning an individual receiving unemployment insurance benefits that indicates a change in circumstances that may affect eligibility, the bureau shall review the individuals case and make a new eligibility determination within one week of receiving the information.
The commissioner shall adopt and implement internal administrative policy to: (a) Prioritize and always pursue the recovery of fraudulent unemployment overpayments to the fullest extent allowable under state and federal law; (b) Enter into a cooperative agreement with the U.S. Department of Labor Office of Inspector General to proactively detect and investigate cases of unemployment […]
An employer may contact Workforce West Virginia by e-mail, telephone, or other method of communication in situations when an employee who was previously laid off by that employer is given the opportunity to be rehired but declines to do so. The bureau shall investigate such contacts from employers to determine whether the employee should continue […]
The commissioner shall maintain detailed records on the ability of the bureau to carry out and implement the actions required in this article. The commissioner shall issue a written report to the legislature annually, no later than December 31. This report shall include relevant data, to the extent permitted by federal law, including, but not […]
Workforce West Virginia shall promulgate and propose rules under 29A-3-1 et seq. of this code for implementing this article.
This article shall take effect July 1, 2022.